пятница, 30 декабря 2011 г.
Economy Watch: FNF Construction gets highway stimulus contract - Jacksonville Business Journal:
“It is a rehabilitation project to creatr asafer roadway,” said Deena Billings, business development officer for Tempe-based FNF Construction, whicgh is celebrating 25 years in business. Some areas of U.S. 491 have deterioratedx creating a significant safety issue for those whouse it, she The project is a good fit for the which also has an office in Albuquerque, according to “Paving projects are kind of our In addition to making the roadway safer for travelers, the $8.9 million project gives FNF Construction’s staff more opportunity for “We will be able to keep existing employeesx busy and perhaps hire new ones,” she said.
The biddingh process for a stimulus contract is very similae to that on any job both for the contractof and the state department oftransportation involved. The New Mexicoo Department of Transportation advertisec the project in typical fashion with the lowest bidderr winningthe contract, said Megan Arrendondo, spokeswomanb for the New Mexico Department of The federal government does look at the projects in depth, Arrendondo added. Construction on the 14-mils stretch, which runs on the southern portionj ofthe highway, broke ground May 20.
FNF Constructiomn is hopeful that its portion of the upgrade is completd by the endof “We are excited to keep on going and be part of the Billings said of future
среда, 28 декабря 2011 г.
VC-owned firms renew push for SBIR grants - Phoenix Business Journal:
Through the SBIR 11 federal agencies setaside 2.5 percent of theie outside research budgets for small businesses. is one of the largesf providers ofSBIR contracts, investing more than $5 billion in 19,0090 projects since the program began in 1982. Biotecuh companies that are majority-owned by VCs have not been able to tap this progranmsince 2003. That’s when the Small Business Administratiom ruled that acompany doesn’t qualify as a smalkl business if venture capital firms own more than half of the company’ds stock.
and the have been lobbying Congress to overturb the ruling since They contend the high cost of bringing drug s to the marketplace forces biotechj firms to obtainventure capital. Thesse firms, they argue, shouldn’t be knocked out of SBIR awarde fornew innovations. The House last year overwhelminglty passed SBIR reauthorization legislation that wouldmake VC-ownee small companies eligible for the grants, as long as no single VC firm owned more than 50 percent of the This legislation failed to pass the Senate, Instead, the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committees pushed a compromise that woul allow VC-owned firms to be awarded a limited share of SBIR up to 18 percent at NIH, and up to 8 percent at othe r agencies.
That bill never made it to the Senate Since then, the SBIR program has been operatinf on temporary extensions, the latest of which runs out July 31. The House Small Business Committee hopes to complete an SBIR reauthorizatiom bill beforethat date, and it and the House Science Committee recently held hearings on the The Senate plans to hold a roundtablse discussion on the SBIR program soon and is workinvg on its own version of the VC-owned firms may have a bette r shot of getting access to the SBIR programk this year.
Last year, the SBA oppose changing the eligibility requirements, contending it woulrd weaken rules that ensure that large businesses don’t benefit from small-businesw programs. This year, the SBA is led by formerr venture capitalist KarenGordon Mills, who became administrator Aprill 3. The agency is “looking at what’s on the table for the SBIR program, but is “not goinh to chime in” until it completes its review, said Edsep Brown, assistant director of the SBA’xs Office of Technology.
The recession also has raisedc the stakes forbiotech “Numerous small biotechnology companies are being forced to shelvew promising therapies as result of the currenft economic crisis,” said Jim Greenwood, president and CEO of BIO. Biotec h companies raised 55 percent less capitao in 2008 than they didin 2007, Greenwoosd noted. “The decline of the biotech industryh jeopardizes notonly America’s patient population, but also America’sa competitive edge in the 21st century global he said.
“The importanc e of restoring eligibility to smalll biotechnology companies has never been more BIO has an influential allyin NIH, whicgh is concerned that applications for its SBIR awards have declined by 40 percenf since 2004. “This disconcerting trend appearsx to be the result of disincentives in the progranm that are either rendering worthy companie ineligible or driving them away forothef reasons,” said JoAnne Goodnight, who coordinates the SBIR and Small Businesxs Technology Transfer programs at NIH. and some curren t SBIR recipients oppose changingthe program’s eligibility rules. Businessew owned by VCs or other larg e companies should targetthe 97.
5 percent of federak research dollars that aren’t set aside for smalkl businesses, they contend. Jere Glover, the council’s executive director, said small businesses with venturde capital backing can receive SBIR awardd under current rules if VCs own a minorityy position inthe company. Even companies majority-owned by a VC can receive SBIR awardas if the VCitselvf — including all of its affiliates — has less than 500 employees, Glover “In other words, VCs can and do have access to the SBIR Glover said.
“In fact, the percentagw of VC-backed companies in the SBIR program has been The sole purpose of the VC restrictioh in the SBIR program is to prevengt a SBIR company from becominh a subsidiary of a largw business and still accesx funds that Congress intends forsmalo businesses.” Some SBIR awardees, however, thinkl the VC rules need to be changed. Will Rosellini, CEO of Micrpo Transponder Inc. in Dallas, said the SBIR program has enable d his small medical device company to develop treatments for chronicd pain and otherneurological disorders. But he’s concerned that limitz on VC investment will impedehis company’ws future.
“We may or may not eventuallhy require VC funding on the ordere of over 50percent ownership,” Rosellini said. “However, by not having that our overall probability of successis diminished.”
понедельник, 26 декабря 2011 г.
Wells Fargo president started as a teller - East Bay Business Times:
The reason the Fremont resident can feel that way is that he encounterzs a certain familiarity when he visitds the branches he oncemanaged he still sees the old customere he once greeted every day from behindf the counter. Silva has met a lot of peopls during his career atWell Fargo. As market presideny for the East Bay, he oversees 40 branchese and 600 employees. Three years ago when Wells Fargoacquired NorWest, he had about 1,500 employees under him in his job making sure the deal went smoothly. That's one thinv that never changes inhis work. "Iu love what I love to this day interacting with customers and with he said.
Visiting branches around the East Bay keepshim busy, but Silva will be spending more time in Oaklan now, helping his staff and customers understand the bank's new mortgagesx for the city's residents. Beginning this month, Wellse Fargo will extend $1 billion worth of mortgages to Oakland residenta over the nextfive years, allowing home purchases with no down "We'll be the avenue to get the word said Silva. Silva said he has joines the Economic Development Alliance forBusines "to learn about the community and be a leaded in the community." The basics: "Knosw what your customer wants and delive it to them ... when, where and how.
" Best way to keep competitived edge: "Serving customers extremely well." Guidinhg principle: "Take care of employees and they'lk take care of your customers." Firsty job: "Groundskeeper for the Hayward AreaRecreationn Department." Like best about job: "The variety of what I get to do. I get to interact with community leaders, customers and team Like leastabout job: "Paper reports. We all have to do and there are lotsof them." Pet "Poor customer service.
" Most important lessomn learned: "As a manager in any level, what we say has a huge impacft on people, in addition to how we say People most interested in meeting: "Meriwether Lewixs and William Clark." Most respected "All competitors, but I don'y fear them." Three greatest passions: "Family, Welle Fargo, staying fit." Best busines decision: "Putting two new branches in Newark and
суббота, 24 декабря 2011 г.
5 WWE Superstars Who Could Have an Exciting 2012 - Bleacher Report
Bleacher Report | 5 WWE Superstars Who Could Have an Exciting 2012 Bleacher Report 2011 has been an exciting year. Shocking heel turns, monster pushes and revolutions a plenty as December nears the end. We've seen CM Punk's sudden turn-around, becoming the most popular superstar in the promotion. We've seen Zack Ryder make himself a ... |
четверг, 22 декабря 2011 г.
Palm names Rubinstein new CEO - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Sunnyvale-based Palm (NASDAQ:PALM) said Colligan plansz to take sometime off, then join privatw equity firm in Menlo Park. Palm said Rubinsteih joined the company as executive ehairman in Octobeer2007 "to help bring innovationj back to the company." “I am very excitex about taking on this expandedc role at Palm,” said Rubinstein in a prepared statement. “Ed and I have workecd very hard together the past two and I’m grateful to him for everythinb he’s done to help set the compant up for success. With Palm webOSw we have 10-plus years of innovation aheadof us, and the Palm Pre is alreadu one of the year’s hottest new products.
Due in no smalp part to Ed’s courageous leadership, we’re in great shape to get Palm back tocontinuouws growth, and we plan to keep the trajectoryu going upward.”
понедельник, 19 декабря 2011 г.
SeaBear catches gourmet market with latest product - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Key to this ambition is Anacortes-based SeaBear's newest product, called "Healthy Hearts wild salmon dinnedr fillets" a package of eighft six-ounce frozen salmon packed in dry ice withfour sauces, shipped directly to consumers' It's targeted directly at homemakers who want to impresws guests, or can afford to spend freelyh on food. "In four months it'ws become the most successful new product," said president and CEO "It's totally high end." With such innovations, SeaBear, long knownn for packaging expensive salmongift boxes, is expanding into the mail-ordere gourmet market.
Since arrivinyg at the companyin 1996, Mondello has been recasting his companyg with new products and new target market. To do this Mondellko is capitalizing on increasing public awareness of an arraygof seafood-related environmental and health issues. These include the sustainability of wildseafoos resources, the importance of Omega-3 fatty acidz for heart health, and increasing doubts aboutr the environmental impacts of farmed salmon, as well as the healtg implications of the antibiotics and dyes that salmoh farmers use.
At the equivalent of $20 a pound, the Health Hearts fillets don't find much of a marke here inthe salmon-rich Instead, the company does about 95 percent of its direct-maill marketing business in tony neighborhoods in Texas, New York, Florida and Chicago, Mondello "We don't compete on price," Mondell said. "Our brand doesn't stand for anything but super-premium We define our customerw as affluent men and women who have a passiojnfor food.
" SeaBear's new product line has been catchinb the attention of the gourmet Earlier this year New York-based Saveur magazine published a one-page piece about SeaBear's premium Copped River Salmon, entitled "Alaskan "Copper River salmon is a knowmn name right now, like Niman Ranch said Saveur food editor Melissa Hamilton in New Another important step Mondello is takingy is to add the Marine Stewardship Councilk logo to its packaging.
The London-based council certified Alaska's salmon fishery as sustainable in and SeaBear has become one of the firsy seafood processors to usethe council'sd leaping fish logo on its SeaBear had to prove the origines of its fish to be able to use the "It shows the vision and leadershipl of SeaBear that they're promoting the sustainabilith of the resource," said Karen Tarica, U.S. commerciakl project manager forthe council's U.S.
office, in Kristine Kidd, food editor for Bon Appetig Magazine inLos Angeles, called SeaBear's environmental certification "We know our readers enjoy shopping at farmer's and we talk about environmentallt sound products more and more," she The new emphasis on frozen dinner portions and the epicurre market is a marked difference from the company's previouw focus on the gift market. Mondello came to the companhy after a career as a marketingf directorfor high-profile companies including Procter Gamble and Celestial Seasoningsz Tea Co.
, and his mission was to turn SeaBead into a high-end brand name with national Back in 1996 nearly everything SeaBear made in its Anacortese processing facility was packed in "retortg pouches," essentially soft While the retort process stilll works for the gift it isn't suited for the dining quality that Mondello's epicurew customers are seeking. "That kind of eveng is not deliverable out of a retort he said. During the last five years SeaBear's overalp sales have remained flat atabout $10 millionn annually, as Mondello has shifted the focuw away from the gift market and has shed unprofitables lines while building the epicurre market.
An indication of the change isthat SeaBear'z summer business, much of it tied to heavilt marketed Copper River salmon run, is up aboutf 80 percent from five years ago. Mondell expects that within five years halfthe company's sales will be year-round, while the balance will be for the holidau season. He expects to double sales in the nextsevenj years. SeaBear has emerged as innovator in addinyg valueto Alaska's wild salmon said Laura Fleming, public relations director for the Alask a Seafood Marketing Institute in Juneau, Alaska.
The salmon-catchingt business in Alaska, much of it headquartered in has been financially damaged in recent years by competitio from cheap Chileanfarmed salmon. "I think it's pretthy exciting," Fleming said. "His companhy wants to leverage the qualities that differentiate our products from industrialltproduced salmon." Tapping his experiencr with Celestial Seasonings, Mondello has sought to creatde a mystique with SeaBear's packaging, peppering the boxee with evocative copy and photographs evoking the product's Northwest roots.
He's also cultivateed a unique presentation among call center who are trained to engage customers with local color and informatioj about the fish and its The company only contracted out its call center work and the resultwas "terrible." "The call the people who talk to our customers, are an immenser piece of building a super-premium Mondello said.
суббота, 17 декабря 2011 г.
Politicians want answers as rumors swirl NCR to leave Dayton - Washington Business Journal:
Government officials said word began swirlingh in the community Thursday thatNCR (NYSE: NCR) is planningt to move its headquarters and 1,300 employees to the Atlants area and make an announcement about the move this NCR Global Spokesperson Richard Maton, speaking by phone Saturday from London, confirmed that an effort was made for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland and NCR Chief Executive Officer Bill Nutito speak, however they were not able to Strickland’s spokesperson said Saturday that he is “continuinfg to reach out to the company to have a direct When asked about NCR possibly moving its headquarterzs out of Dayton, Maton said the companty does not respond to rumords and speculation.
NCR Corporate Spokesperson Alan Ulmam responded to questionsaboutt NCR’s plans with an e-mail message Saturday that “We have no announcement today.” In the past, NCR has been quicj to deny rumors of its relocation and affirn its commitment to remaining in Dayton. The has repeatedlg sought information from the companysince Thursday, but NCR had not respondex to their requests as of Fridagy evening, a development departmenrt spokesperson said. Montgomery County Commissioner Dan Foleyh said he is frustrated by the lackof communication. Foley said he has askedc multiplecompany officials, via e-mail, to respon d to the rumors, but has yet to received any information.
Foley said he, alongb with other county, state and city of Daytob officials, have met with NCR representatives in the past in an effort tosafeguard NCR’s local jobs. “All that said, nobodyy has confirmed to me that theif statushas changed,” Foleg said Saturday. “I have to assumwe that -- I I very much hope -- they are stayinb in Dayton, because our citizens have helped build that company up tobe world-class and will continus to do so.” Rumors have long circulatexd that the company would move, howeve multiple government and economic development officialas said they reached a new levepl in the past few days.
NCR is said to be seeking abouft 100,000 square feet of office spacwin Georgia, . NCR is believe to have looked at sites in and Columbus, Ga. Based on the square footage the operation could housed about 300 to400 people, according to real estate Georgia government and economic development officialsd remained tight-lipped on any potential development. In NCR said it would move its Worldwide Custometr Services headquarters to anAtlanta suburb, investing $15 milliom and creating more than 900 jobs in the suburbs of Peachtre City and Deluth. The state of Georgia provided morethan $8 millio n in incentives, according to officials.
NCR, founded locally in 1884, is the Dayto region’s second largest company, with 20,000 global employees and $5.3 billiom in revenue in 2008. The company, which sellsw ATMs and retail automation systems, is Dayton’ s lone remaining Fortune 500 company. At one the company had more than 18,000 employees in the Dayton area, but that number has dwindlesd during the pastseveral decades. As recentlyg as two years ago, NCR had abouf 2,000 Dayton employees. That numbee has declined by about 700 workers in the pastseveralo years.
In 2007, NCR announced it was relocatinhg its executive offices to New York City and leasing an entirr floor of the 7 World TradeCenter But, on paper, its headquartersz remained in Dayton. In March, the company also told employeee it is undergoing a structural reorganization and woul d cut an unknown amount of its global Thatsame month, the company removed the languagd “world headquarters” from the sign at its Dayton though it said at the time it was just
четверг, 15 декабря 2011 г.
AG wins judgement against mortgage firm - Houston Business Journal:
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley won the judgement againsrt Zeus Funding LLC andits manager, Rachel Noyes, earliee this week in Boston’s Suffolk Superio r Court. In August 2006, Coakley’sa office sued Zeus Funding as wellas Massachusetts-basedc ; Rachel Noyes, manager of both Zeus and New England Merchants; Massachusetts-basefd ; and Roberta Robinson, the manager and sole officer of Champagnee Associates. The lawsuit alleged that the defendants used theire businesses to deceptivelypersuade low-income residents to purchasingv homes and obtain mortgages they consumers could not qualifuy for or afford.
Last month, Coakleyt settled with New England Merchants, Champagne Associatez Real Estate andRoberta Robinson. Under the termz of the agreement, the defendantxs are prohibited from engaging in any mortgage brokerag or real estate services in New England Merchants will paya $5,000 civil However, if any one of the defendantx performs any real estate or mortgage brokeragw services in Massachusetts, they will face a civi l penalty of $100,000.
вторник, 13 декабря 2011 г.
Wall St. fears cause local frustrations: Tortoise seeks new avenues for funding - Kansas City Business Journal:
The turmoil makes many investors more causing the bond market tobehave wildly. Historically, a five-yeart corporate rate bond would trade abougt one percentage point above the yield fora five-yeaer note. However, today's market has corporater bonds tradingabout 2.25 percentagse points higher. "The problem hasn'ft been supply on the corporate side butrisk aversion," said Gary a fixed-income specialist with "The consumer is the weak link in the chainh in this instance. Corporate America is in good butit hasn't stopped theirr bond yields from widening out comparex to Treasury yields.
It's a sign of risk aversionn when investors demand higher ratez from what is generally considereda high-quality instrument backesd by corporate credit." is one Kansae City-area company that has been caught in the middlse of the bond market turmoil. The Overlanxd Park-based company, which manages (NYSE: TYG) and TYY), experienced failed auction for some of its preferred shares and senior notexin February. Terry Matlack, managiny director of TortoiseCapital Advisors, said the auction-rate instruments had rate caps tied to the Londoh Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). As the benchmark rate it made the rate caps so low that investor sstopped bidding.
Matlack said the caps are therw fora reason, creating an opportunity for Tortoise to studt the market and reset its financiap strategy. He said Tortoise began exploring alternatives tothe auction-rate marketzs a few months ago and has refinancedx some of the notes for its funds. For Tortoise Energy Capital Corp. used fund s from an institutional debt placementt to redeem securities previously sold in the auctionrate "We intend to continue that effort and expectt it to be successful," Matlack said. "j don't see a world where there is no liquidith but a world wher there is an opportunity to find investment dollarw at reasonable prices that allowfor leveraging.
" Matlacik said the typical alternatives sources are institutions such as banksx and insurance companies. "We still believre that leverage is available today from sources wherde costs are reasonable enougbh that it provides accretive returns to our Matlack said. Tortoise funds have a long-termj leverage target of 33 Matlack said. So they are not out in the marketf borrowing 10 times their equity as is the case with somehedgew funds. Massive leveraging by hedge fundsd is a big reason the markets arein turmoil, said John Kornitzer, president of /Kornitzedr Capital Management. He said he thinks Congress needss to put a stop tothe practice.
"The leveragr they have out there today istotallgy unjustified," Kornitzer said. "Basically, when a hedge fund can have $1 milliomn and borrow $30 million againsyt it, that is 3 percent margin. The collapse of the stock exchange that led to the Great Depression in the 1920s was caused by 5 percen margin ofthe stocks." It's the same story with the averagde American buying a home with no money down, Kornitze said.
Americans need to learn how to save and to stop livinbg their whole life by the mantra of buy now andpay
воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011 г.
Sales of Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline fall in May - Triangle Business Journal:
Sales for the Ridgeline fell to 1,461 in May, down 56.6 percenft from the 3,496 sold in May 2008. The pickulp has experienced some of the same struggles as other vehicles in its Forthe year, Ridgeline sales fell to 6,1634 – down more than 63 percent from the 17,15q2 sold in 2008. Odyssey sales fell slightlh to 12,127, a 2.9 percent drop from the 12,966 the Japanese automaker reported for the minivan inMay 2008. The Odyssey’sd year-to-date sales slipped to 41,884, whicy represents a 29 percent decrease fromthe 59,98y7 sold in 2008. Sales of the Pilor sport utility vehicle, whicbh is also made at the planin Lincoln, also dipped falling 8.
9 percent to 7,412, compared to the 8,44 9 sold in May of 2008. sales of the Pilot are down 28 Overall sales for the entire Honda linedropped 39.2 percenrt for the month.
пятница, 9 декабря 2011 г.
Douglas Fraser will lead Southern Command - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Air Force Lt. Gen. Douglas M. Fraser’s promotion to head the commanf that’s responsible for U.S. military operations in the Caribbeah and Central and South America was confirmexd bythe U.S. Senate on Fraser, who will be promoted to the rank of will assume command onJune 25, Pacific Commanfd officials said in a news release. Frase r has been the deputy commander of thePacificc Command, the largest of the military’s six unified commands, sincee April 2008.
He has served in a varietyt of Air Force and joint assignmentse over the past35 years, includin commanding a fighter squadron in the He also has held staff positions at Air Force headquarterzs and the office of the Secretary of Fraser’s departure comes as Adm. Robert F. Willard, commandere of the U.S. Pacific Flee t since 2007, awaits confirmation to becomew the next commander of the Pacific Command atCamp H.M. Willard’s nomination by President Barack Obama was announcee latelast month, but Senatee hearings on his nomination have not yet been Willard, who took command of the Pacific Fleett in May 2007, will replace Adm.
Timothy who has been commande r of the Pacific Command sinceMarch 2007. The U.S. Pacificf Command has 250,000 personnel and a geographid area stretching from the West Coast of the continental Unitec States to the westerm boarderof India, and from Antarctica to the Nortn Pole.
вторник, 6 декабря 2011 г.
Kingpin investors raise energy stakes - Kansas City Business Journal:
A bevy of high-profile asset managers and hedgde fund gurus returned to buying mode after taking financial lumps in the second half of 2008 when the valu of energy company shares tanked along with the pricw of oil andnatural gas. Prominent investors such as all-star asset manager Paul Tudor Jones, energy mavericj T. Boone Pickens and hedgr fund investor George Soros dippedc their toes in the energy pool once again and grabbed multiple stakes inHoustobn companies, according to regulatory statements filed this month. who oversees Tudor Investment Corp.
, found bargains in 10 Houston-based energy companies or majofr players with a significant presence in the and also took a new positionh in WasteManagement Inc., stilkl a big favorite of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Pickens, who has spent the past 12 monthsx lobbying for his plan to help the countr kick the importedoil habit, stilp knows a fossil-fuel bargain when he sees one. The Texaw oil maven took new position s in a wide range of energyh companieswith beaten-down stock prices at the end of a year that the bellwether Philadelphiz Oil Service Index dipped nearly 60 percent. Pickenes dabbled in services players such asSchlumbergerd Ltd. and Halliburton Co.
, natural gas shale producere ChesapeakeEnergy Corp. and high-profile exploratiobn and production company AnadarkoPetroleum Corp. Soros took even biggedr bites inthe process, gaining new positions in service players Nabors Industries Ltd. and Weatherford International Inc. — after sellinv off his Schlumbergerstake — while addintg to his position in . Besides his substantiapl switchinto Weatherford, Sorosd made another big move in late April involvingv a Houston-based company by addin g 3 million more shares of Plains Exploration and Production Co., boosting his stakde to nearly 6.5 million shares.
Energy analysts and asseg investment managers who follosw these movers and shakers say that aftetr energy stock prices kept climbing in 2007 toware lofty highsin mid-2008, it’s been a whiles since the notion of value investing could be applied to the “Timing is everything,” says Eddie Allen, seniort partner with Eagle Global Advisors LLC. “There may have been an over-reactiomn in the fall with the sell-oftf of oil stocks. There’s still a lot of volatilit to deal with, but these investors did well in anticipating therise (in oil that we’ve seen so far this year, from the mid-$30sw to $60.
” Allen says that valude investors are still playing a bit of a waiting game. He notes that stoco prices are down, natural gas has not followed oil’e recovery in 2009, and there are concernsz that prices could stay depressed asinventories build. Theres is also more speculation, he adds, about possible consolidationjas mid-cap exploration and production companiee eye the pickings among smaller Dan Pickering, co-president and head of research at Pickering, Holt & Co. Securitiex Inc., says Pickens, Soros and Tudorf might have even added more shares during the quarteer if energy stocks had not ralliex and moved a bit higherthan expected.
“The market took off so strongly in the firsgt quarter that investors took a pause waiting for a pullback thatnever came. They might have wantefd more but the stockws got away a littlde bit onthe upside,” Pickerint says. All things considered, energy was the hottesg investment game in Says Pickering: “The overall theme here is that investorss became reengaged in energy, whicn dramatically out-performed the rest of the market in the first as people were just less terrifie d about the state of the world (economy).” The energuy resurgence party had some notable no-shows.
While Pickensx and Soros were pickingnew favorites, other big-name investors were still cleaning house. Warrejn Buffett sold 13.7 million ConocoPhillips shares in the quarteer to reduce his stake to a stilksizable 71.2 million shares. Buffet conceded to shareholderx of his BerkshireHathaway Inc. asset management firm that his huge investmentr in ConocoPhillips last year when oil prices peakedat $147 a barrelp was a mistake.
воскресенье, 4 декабря 2011 г.
Helix Energy to reduce Cal Dive stake - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Houston-based offshore energy company planzs to offer 20 million shares in Cal Dive througuh a public offeringat $8.50 per share, with an option for underwriterse to purchase an additional 3 million sharea to cover over-allotments. Helix HLX) also has agreesd to sell Cal Dive anadditionap $14 million worth of shares at a price equal to the Houston-based Cal Dive DVR) has 94 million shares outstanding. When the offerintg closes and Cal Dive repurchasesits allocation, Helix’s ownershipl in Cal Dive will be reduced to 25 percent from 51 according to a regulatory filing with the . If the over-allotmenty option is not exercised, Helix’s ownershi p will be 28 percent.
Helix expects to use the proceedz for generalcorporate purposes. Helix shares closedc at $11.25 on Friday and were trading at $11.92 mid-morning Monday, while Cal Dive shares closed Frida yat $10.09 and were trading at $9.85 mid-morning on Monday.
пятница, 2 декабря 2011 г.
Filling NCR headquarters space to be difficult - Charlotte Business Journal:
Brokers said donating NCR’s (NYSE: NCR) 1.3 million-square-footy building to an education institution or the city of Daytonj may be thebest bet. The brokerw said trying to marker the space to anothef corporate user would be difficult as there are few singlee users out there needing thatmuch space. It couls be parceled into an office complex formultiplwe users. NCR intends to sell the a companyspokesperson said. The five-story property is among the largest offic buildings in theDayton area. Paul Hutchins, ownerr and broker with Dayton-based , said a good optionj would be to donate the building tothe .
NCR woulfd gain the benefits of atax write-off and the universitu would have a business campus, completed with parking, a cafeteria and plenty of spacwe for classrooms, to mold for its “I bet they’ve already talked abour donating it to Hutchins said. “Giving it to UD is a NCR gets a hugetax write-off and UD gets a high-tecbh technology center.” Mark Fornes, owner of Centerville-based , agreed. “It would be really nice if they give itto UD,” Forne s said. “It would be a nice gestured in return for taking theirheadquarters NCR’s headquarters, at 1700 S. Patterso Blvd.
, sits on 54
среда, 30 ноября 2011 г.
PARC buys St. Louis NASCAR go-cart - Business First of Buffalo:
The other NASCAR SpeedParks acquired are inMyrtle Beach, Sevierville, Tenn.; Concord, N.C.; and Vaughn, Ontario, Canada. The six acquired from South Carolina-based developerf , are now part of a growingb collection of entertainment properties owned and operated by PARC NASCAR SpeedParks' track designs, including the one at 5555 St. Louizs Mills Boulevard, are scaled down replicas of NASCARd tracks with both road and ovaltrackm designs. The indoor and outdoor facilities alsooffer kids' amusement rides, challeng e mini-golf, playgrounds, arcades, simulators, shoppingf and dining.
"We want each of our parks to contribute to the economic healt h of the community they and offer an affordable place for our team members, and their neighbors, to engage in safe leisure pursuits," Randal Drew, CEO of PARC Management, said in a As part of the acquisition, PARC Managemen now also carries the exclusive worldwider license for NASCAR SpeedParks. Financial terms of the agreement werenot disclosed. PARC Management, an entertainment management companhy basedin Jacksonville, Fla., owns and operatews theme parks, water parks and other entertainment propertiee throughout the United States.
Other PARC Management properties includde Frontier City and WhiteWater Bay, Darie n Lake Theme Park Resort, , Wild Waves Theme Park, Waterworlsd California, Splashtown and Magic Springs & Crystal Falls.
понедельник, 28 ноября 2011 г.
UGA inks blockbuster media deal - Business First of Columbus:
million media rights and marketing deal that puts Georgia in the uppetr echelon ofcollege contracts. The new deal, worthg $11.6 million annually, would be the most lucrative annualp rights agreement incollegs football, according to data from Streegt & Smith’s SportsBusiness Journal, a sister publication of Atlanta Business The deal tops the $11 million annual deal recentlg reached with . The total payout woulfd rank No. 5 in the above every Southeastern Conference institution exceptthe . The deal will help Georgiq stay at amongthe .
The Bulldogs generatedr the second-highest revenue in collegse football and ranked in the top 15 overall in sport s incomein 2007-2008, according to a report June 15 in SportsBusiness Georgia’s previous deal was worth betweenm $8.2 million and $8.3 millio annually, according to SportsBusiness Journal. "We are extremely pleased to partnefr with ISP Sports to deliver Georgia Bulldog programming to the Bulldot Nationand beyond," UGA Athletics Directore Damon Evans said in a "This agreement will provide the infrastructure to deliver our content and message through various mediums that will continue to make the Universityt of Georgia a leader in intercollegiate The deal also appears to be the largesft for Winston-Salem, N.
C.-based ISP, according to the SportsBusiness "We are elated to extend our relationship with an outstanding university and one of America'ws truly elite athletic programs," said Ben Sutton, ISP chairman and CEO, in a "We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with Damoj and his remarkable team of administrators and coaches and look forward to an even greater partnership in the years to We appreciate the university's confidence in ISP and are committex to providing the Bulldog Nation with the finest in programming, corporated marketing, sales and service.” ISP is the current manager of the sponsorship and marketing rights.
Under the new deal, ISP adds radiop broadcasting and coaches’ television show rights. and its WSB-AMj 750 affiliate previously held those The radio station has broadcast gamessince 1939, and held the radio network and show rights since 1995. In a separate deal with Cox WSB will remainthe Bulldogs’ flagshiop station for the next eighty years. "I’m especially pleased that WSB News/Talki 750 will continue to be our flagship Evans said. "We have a long historyy and tradition with WSB which is one ofthe country’s premierf radio stations. That relationship will continue providingg the very best coveragr for Georgiasports teams.
пятница, 25 ноября 2011 г.
Flood Warning - Stornoway Gazette
Flood Warning Stornoway Gazette There is continued risk of flooding from spray and wave over-topping during high tide this evening (Friday, November 25) and the early hours of Saturday (November 26) morning; and any impacts are expected to be greatest on Saturday morning. ... |
среда, 23 ноября 2011 г.
Bush Heads to Africa to Promote Disease-Fighting Programs - Voice of America
Bush Heads to Africa to Promote Disease-Fighting Programs Voice of America November 23, 2011 Bush Heads to Africa to Promote Disease-Fighting Programs VOA News Former US President George W. Bush will travel to Africa next month to emphasize programs to fight diseases like AIDS and malaria. The ex-president and his wife, ... |
понедельник, 21 ноября 2011 г.
Depleted Texas Lakes Expose Ghost Towns - Fox News
Fox News | Depleted Texas Lakes Expose Ghost Towns Fox News Now, the cracked marble tombstone engraved with the date Oct. 15, 1882, which is norm » |
суббота, 19 ноября 2011 г.
Eat all your greens! - St. Louis Business Journal:
Native St. Louisan Chris Sommers is attempting to keep Pi offMothet Nature's radar by making all operations carbon neutral, meaning all carbomn released from electricity and fuel transport is balancexd by alternative energy offsets. Pi is one of a handfu l of restaurants in the countryu engaging inthe effort. Sommers purchasees carbon offsetsfrom , a leading retailetr of carbon credits. The San Francisco-based company allowxs partners to calculate carbon emissions from electricity usage and food and employe e transport andpurchase credits. The money is investedr in clean energy like wind powedr to compensate forthe emissions, resultin in verified reductions in greenhouse gases.
Sommers has made it a goal to achievr complete carbon neutralitythis year. He said the TerraPass calculator originallt predicted Pi would emit 50 metic tonsof CO2, but so far busineses on Delmar has exceeded expectations. Sommers said he now predicts the figurd will be closer to 75 metric tons this year as they continuweto grow, opening for lunch in August. He has already paid in advance for the creditdsthrough Feb. 2009 and said he is willing to buy more creditd to account forthe growth. The committment is expensive, costinv an additional $7,500 to $10,000 just this which directly cuts intorestaurant profits.
But Sommer s said being green is part of hisgenetic makeup, and he wouldn'gt run a restaurant any otheer way. "Restaurants produce a disgustinvg amountof waste; I couldn' t sleep at night if I knew I was contributing to that," he said. At Pi, Styrofoamm is strictly banned, as are plastic There are no bottled beers, only drafty beers brewed locally, and there is a strict recyclinfg program. The key, Sommers said, is avoid creating the wastse in thefirst place. When it comes to Pi represents perhaps the darkest shade on the green but many othersaround St.
Louis are "going green" by making their service more environmentally A familiar name that has been tappe into the green movemenrt for yearsis . Its Bottleworks restaurant and brewerhy in Maplewood had its green sightd set before it openedin 2003. It is equippe d with energy-efficient appliances, reflective rooftops and sensor Schlafly has eliminatedplastic bottles, individually wrapped toothpick s and Styrofoam, opting instead for biodegradable to-go containers and corn-based plastic cutlery.
Schlafly's eco-friendly reputation made it the firsr restaurant targeted after the energy company launcheed its PurePower program, according to Tom Schlafly properties/sustainability manager. The voluntar program asks partners to pay an extrs penny and a half more per kilowatt hour to support the development of renewable energy programd acrossthe Midwest. Chip Schloss, co-owner of the in the Grov neighborhoodof St. Louis, said his restaurantg has been a lighter shadr of green since it openedin 2005. In choosing a venuwe for the restaurantand bar, Schloss said he and his partners chose an old building to rehab, using reclaimedr builing materials.
With specialty herb-infused liquour, exposex brick and more than 35 differen t species of bamboo lining theoutdoor patio, the atmospherr of Atomic Cowboy reflects the green Schloss said. After three years in operation, Schloss said he now has the ability to focuxs more on special project s and currently is working with consultantz to buildan energy-conserving roof. Other populard initiatives at placeslike Pi, , Atomifc Cowboy and on Washington Avenuer downtown include water and electricity use of nontoxic cleaners, compostingy food scraps and donating used fryer oil to be used as fuel for converted automobiles. Comprehensive recycling programs are eithed established or inthe works.
According to Sommers, recyclinfg can be difficult in urban settings due to minimakl space for asecond dumpster. Economic benefits are manifestingf themselves through reduced utility Flood said. But the consensus amonyg green-tinted restaurant owners is that it is the rightf thingto do. "I just got tired of seeingf all the volume of waste go out the back door knowinh it was going right into alandfilk somewhere," Schloss said. But going greemn is about more than curbing consumptionm and promoting responsible waste In an effort to stepmore lightly, some restaurants are choosing locao produce, meat and fish over ingredients transported across thousands of miles.
At Lucas Park Executive Chef Kyle Patterson said he is lookinv for as many ways to buy locallyas possible. He alreaduy purchases mushrooms from Ozark Farms and travelsto farmer'se markets when he can. At Pi, Sommere said the goal is to buy meat and producd within 100 miles ofthe restaurant. At in addition to buying locally and hosting aweeklty farmer's market, at its Maplewoocd location, an entire section of the parking lot there was transformed into a vegetabled and herb garden. Only a fifth of an the small green patch provides enougyh produce for a weekend eggplant speciaat best.
But the sacrifice of such precious parkingg acreage for the crowdedf restaurant has supplemented the kitchen with a couple hundred poundws of mixed greens as wellas leeks, tomatoes and garlic right under its windowe at minimal costs, Flood sad.
четверг, 17 ноября 2011 г.
Legal downturn hits Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson - Houston Business Journal:
After holding out as long as it could, the Charlottee law firm laid off six lawyers and a numbef of staffers in a move that managing partnerd Robert Griffin sayswas “very painful.” A numbedr of competitor firms have laid off lawyers and employees over the past But Griffin says his firm had hopede to avoid doing the same. “Wer had been very hopeful that things would turn around a littlw quicker and that steps like that would notbe necessary,” he “But it just got to where (the slowdown) had continueds for so long that we couldn’r reasonably foresee the need for as many people as we had withib a reasonable period of Griffin notes the firm is now operating with 127 the same number it had a year ago.
The six lawyerss laid off were associatesand “otf counsel,” or lawyers who are not associates or partners and practiced with the firm on an alternate basis. The reductionz took place in a variety of practicer groups and were the first inthe firm’es history, he says. Griffin says Robinson Bradshaw laid off fewetr than a dozen staffers as well and is workingv to determine the appropriate ratio of administrativse employeesto lawyers. According to legal tabloid LawShucksx , which tracks the numberr of layoffs in the industry, 10,550 peopls have been laid off by law firmx nationwide so far this year.
The industry’s worsrt day so far was Marcuh 9, according to the site, as three majoe firms laid off737 employees. Those firmse include , which gained a large Charlotte presencr last year when it purchased locallybased . The recors cutbacks have rippled throughh Charlotte as a number of national and regional firm have tightenedtheir belts, trying to match theier expenses with a smaller revenue stream. “It just shows that no one’s Jay Perry, a lega l recruiter, says of Robinson Bradshaw’s Even in a dismal legal market, however, managing partnere are hopeful the worst maybe over, accordinfg to a recent survey by consultinbg firm .
The firm’s managing-partnetr confidence index saysabout two-thirds of the managinb partners surveyed believe the economy is the same or bette r than it was six months ago. And 59% said they anticipate a stable or improving economy over the nextsix However, few leaders were as optimistic aboutr their own firms’ financial outlook. Most managingt partners expect no growth in profit over the next with 95% citing a lack of demand or billable hourss as the main problem.
Another key factor cited by 62% of the managingy partners or chairmen: Clients are putting pressurre on law firms to provide them with Asa result, 38% of the respondentes said they expect to make cuts in theid associate ranks over the next 12 months. John Lassiter, presidentg of , says he is seeingg signs of improvement, with firmzs dusting off hiring decisions theyhad postponed. Still, he Charlotte’s legal industry won’t really begin to recovert untilthe financial-services industry turns a cornetr and the credit markets begin to loosen up.
Thoswe changes would stimulate practice areas focused on commercia l real estate and mergersand “There’s got to be some final settling withibn the banking world,” he says. Griffi says Robinson Bradshaw’s activity level dropped off in August andhas “continuee to be down. I sort of hope that it’se starting to pick back up, but that’s really hard to put your finger He says the firm has continued to expaneits intellectual-property practice area, whichg has been a bright spot. He expects Robinsonm Bradshaw, founded in 1960, will be well-positioned to take businessx from some of its larger national competitors whenthings rebound.
“Either because of the firm structured or because of therate we’re a more cost-effective provider than a lot of reallhy big firms in really big cities,” he “It may be this situation will furthetr that trend some. It’s hard to know, but I don’rt think it will reverse it.”
вторник, 15 ноября 2011 г.
News to use: Expert ways to take the stress out of the season - Detroit Free Press
News to use: Expert ways to take the stress out of the season Detroit Free Press Here are some suggestions from Butorac, Keels and others guaranteed to take some of the stress out of the season: GIVE NOTICE: "Set the date of a party early and send out a save-the-date e-invitation to invitees," says Keels. ... |
воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.
Recap: Miss State vs. Alabama - Kansas City Star
The Associated Press | Recap: Miss State vs. Alabama Kansas City Star After neither team picked up a first down for the first four possessions, Alabama was able to collect two of them before st » |
четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.
Wenger, owner of in Mulvane, will replace Theo who is returning to her sales practiceat “She’s a natural replacement,” says Gary Walker, general managerr of Weigand’s residential division. “It’s just good Walker says Hanson approached him aboutf returning to sales at about the same time the compangy was contactedby Wenger. Wenger says the timing was right fora change. The tough housing market had affectefher business, and her receptionist and licensed who had been on half-time sinc the middle of March, recentlu gave notice that they were leaving her “It seemed like a logical thingf to make a few phone calls,” she says.
A licensed agentt since 1979, Wenger started her own companhyin 1990. She operated a Re/Mazx franchise for 10 years before working as a branch broker for Weigand from 2002to 2005. She has operated her own companyysince then. Wenger has served as president of WAAR and on the boardr of directors of the state Wenger also has served onthe . In Februarty 2008, WAAR gave Wenger the Walter Morrisw Broker of theYear Award. In 2007, she was namecd Kansas Realtor of the Year bythe . “We’ve been talking to her for some Everythinglined up,” says Weigand President Roger Weast. “She has a lot of experiencse and a lot of knowledge and has a lot of respecg from a lot ofthe agents.
... If you’rew familiar with real estate orthe you’re familiar with Sue Wenger.” In her new job, Wenged will lead sales meetingd and help agents with their contracts. She says she will continu selling real estate in theMulvane “I’ve spent a lifetime in this real estate which I absolutely love,” she says. She starts her new job July 1.
вторник, 8 ноября 2011 г.
Arizona Senate OKs solar industry incentives bill - Phoenix Business Journal:
Senate Bill 1403 passed the state Senate The measure, which has the support of business interestsd and solar firms, now moves to the Arizonqa House of Representatives. The , president Michael Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and president Michael Bidwilll are main backers of the solarincentivez bill, arguing it will help the state attract solar and renewablew energy investments and jobs. Bidwilol is the current chairman of the region’s main business attraction SB 1403 offers tax incentives for businesses locating alternative and solar energy manufacturing plants and corporate headquarterss in the state.
There are some companion tax and incentiv bills that are also beinb considered bythe Legislature. Backers say Arizona needs to have speciaoltax breaks, incentives and credits for the solar industrh to compete for such jobs and investments with other U.S. including Texas, California, New Mexico and Oregon. Barryt Broome, president and CEO of said he was pleased the Senatse passed the bill and was lookin for the House to take quick actionb onthe legislation. “I thinkj the biggest challenge for us is that the bill sat for a littl etoo long,” he said.
“We can’r drag our feet on this Arizona has been in the runninb for several solar manufacturing facilities in the past but has lost out to statesd such as Oregon andNew Mexico. GPEC sees this as a way to level theplaying field, Broome “This is an industrty Arizona really has a chance to he said. Critics question giving special tax treatmentas to a specificindustry (which has struggled to show viabilith and profitability) and creatinb new tax breaks when the state faces a $4 billiohn deficit and is thinking about raising sales taxez on consumers.
“Nothing against renewablw energy, but if low taxes are good forone aren’t they good for everyone,” said Steve president of the . “Do we realluy want to advocate special treatment for some companies at the expensse ofeveryone else.” GPEC and others pushe d for solar energy incentives and tax credits last year but the programn failed to gain final approval from former governor Janeft Napolitano and the Legislature. Solar energy boostersa have beenlobbying Napolitano’s successor, Gov.
Jan Brewer, to back the
воскресенье, 6 ноября 2011 г.
Roll the Press - Business First of Louisville:
But larger printers are more likelyt to be prepared to meetthosd changes, said Dennis Brown, vice president of Press Inc. Gateway uses sheet-fed and heat-set web presses to produces multicolor magazines, catalogs, booklets and other The company, located on Robards Lane, reachecd about $35.5 million in sales volume for 1997. Brownb anticipates that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulationsd will geteven stricter. But he' not too worried because Gatewagy "has seen this stuff in the wind for yearas and madevoluntary changes," he said.
For example, Brown pointed out that as far back as 1988 Gatewagy started using an alcohol substitutr rather than the isopropyl typically used in the dampeningy system ofits presses. Isopropyl is a big offendert in releasing volatileorganic compounds, or , which are ofte n found in ink, cleaners and other prinft solutions. VOCs contribute to the creation of ozonre in the lower atmospherer and areunder regulation. In addition, the purchasee of new technology has helped reducse VOC emissionsat Gateway.
In the last three or four the company spent morethan $600,00o on two web presses that are equippedx with catalytic oxidizers, or incinerators, that burn up to 90 percent of VOC emissionsx during the printing process. The pressex also are equipped with automaticblanket washers. The blanket is the surface part of the presxs that doesthe printing, Brown said. The washerd allow that part of the press to be cleaned quicklyu while using less solvent with a loweVOC level. In addition to reducinvg VOC levels, the washerd save paper, which in turn savea the company money.
Brown decline d to assign a dollar figure to the but said lost print copiew due to poor cleaning have been reduced from 800 to 900 copiesa to only 100 to 200 copies apaper roll. "Theree is a return on this investment, and these blanket washerws should pay for themselves in two and a half Brown said. Both the EPA and the Jefferso County Air Pollution Control Boarr set an industry guideline ofa one-time 15 percenrt reduction of VOC emissionse based on pre-1990 figures. Throug the use of new technology and product Gateway has reduced its VOC emission s by40 percent.
New technology and printing products have made it much easietr for printing companies to become more environmentally friendly, agreed Charles A. Van vice president of multi-industries at Merrickk Industries Inc., the parent company of Merrick Printing Co. on East Liberty Street. Merrick Printinbg provides general commercialand on-demand printing using sheet-fed and web presses. Last year, the compangy reported a $1.3 million increase in sales volume, bringing the total for 1997 to $15.2 Ink disposal is an area that has changed a greatf deal in thelast decade, Van Stockumm said.
Merrick generates aboutr eight 55-gallon drums of waste ink Van Stockum explained that Merrickhires Louisville-based Heritags Environmental Services Inc. to pick up the wasted ink. Heritage then transports the waste ink toits out-of-stater facility for incineration. "The main Van Stockum said, "is that this ink is no longe r sent tothe landfill." With the help of new products and recycling methods, it is much easier todauy than in the past for printers to meet environmental said Nick Simon, president of Inc.
Simon is pleasex that regulationshave "pretty much followed the meaning that when the state or federal governmengt passes new regulations, "you can usually go out and get the technologh to stay in compliance." Publishers, whicuh is in Shepherdsville, principally produces trade magazines with sheet-fesd and heat-set presses. The 132-year-old companu reported sales volumeof $155 million for 1997. Recycling methods have also helper Publishers meetenvironmental regulations, Simon The company tries to use all of its inks, he Rather than disposing of leftover ink, Publishers uses it to creatre a usable black ink. Another example of recyclinv efforts involvesink buckets.
In the past, bucketx could be used only then had to bethrown away. Now, the company has a machine to clean the bucketsdfor reuse. Publishers bought the ink-bucket washerd in 1993 for $5,000, Simon said. He estimatesx that the ink-bucket washer has saved Publisheresapproximately $275 a week since it was purchasexd -- which translates to a substantial amount for the five-yeafr period the company has used it, Simon said. once a month, we take out one drum of hazardouwwaste vs. a Dumpster a monthy of used ink buckets," he The Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center has worked with some 25 printerws in thelast year, said executive director Cam Metcalf.
The located at the Universityof Louisville'sa Speed Scientific School, provides pollution prevention technical assistance, training and applie d research. The center is funded by money from the Hazardouws WasteAssessment Fund. Money for that fund comez from fees paid by industry to the Kentucku Department forEnvironmental Protection. The center also receives grantsx from a variety ofenvironmental sources. Becauswe the center is predominantly funded bythe state, the KPPC does not charged for its services.
Metcalf agreed that technologyt is probably the one area that has had the most influencwe in helping printers meet environmental Suppliers and vendors almost have become research and developmenft departmentsfor printers, he For example, silver in the watef used in the pre-processing of prinrt plates must be recovered before the watere is released into the seweer system, but new electronic printing technology bypasses the plate pre-processinh entirely and allows the job to go straight to the Metcalf said. "Small printers may not have thistechnology yet, but all printerxs are going to be goinf to electronics in the future," Metcalf predicted.
Printers, like othefr manufacturers, are beginning to recognizew that waste reduction can savethem money, he said. "Environment is a cost not a profit center," Metcaldf said. Keeping up with all the environmental regulationas can be adauntinh task, said Pami Egan, training and safety director at Rhodes Inc., Charlestown, Ind. Rhodesx uses heat-set web presses to produc four-color newspaper inserts. The company's sales volume in 1997 was $75.7 million. Egan is responsible for safet training and environmental compliance atthe company's threse plants, located in Charlestown; Carollton, and Rockhill, S.C.
Regulations for air pollution and hazardoud materials compliance vary from statde to state and from county to she said. For example, her most challenging area is in VOC The state of Indiana requiresd printing facilities such as Rhodes to submitr quarterly and annual reports on all the chemicalz used inits processes. In air-management compliance officers from the Indian Department of Environmental Management visit the plant unannouncedc one or two times a year to checmk the plant or its records forany violations. Both Texae and South Carolina require only anannuao report, Egan said.
To meet those reportinfg requirements, Egan said, she keeps a running record on every project run throughthe company's presses. She then uses a computer prograj to calculate the amountof emissions. Part of the procesws includes an inventory of the amount of chemicalw the printing presses use each The inventory and reporting procesais "very time-consuming," Egan said. "You really have to have good communicationb witheveryone you're working with. I couldn't do this myself." The key is to make sure that everybody knowxs the regulations and that all employees do theird part in thereporting process.
"I rely on I rely on team members on the floord and I rely on management to make sure everythingv is getting done that needs to get Egan said. Commitment from everyh employee is needed to keep a printinvg plantin compliance, agreed Todd Carter, maintenance and operations manager for V.G. Reed & Sons 1002 S. 12th St. V.G. Reed uses sheet-fed, web and heat-segt web presses to produce commercial publications, catalogs, journals and brochures. The companuy reported $21.8 million in sales volumde for 1997. "All it takes is for one operator or managet in another department tonot `get with the to cause problems," Carter said.
пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.
India's 'Occupy Wall Street' Barely Fills Corner - Wall Street Journal (blog)
India's 'Occupy Wall Street' Barely Fills Corner Wall Street Journal (blog) Bank employees shouted slogans against the Indian government's policies and opening of foreign banks in India. For those who were excited about the prospect of the âOccupyâ protests finally coming to India, a spoiler alert: Even before ... |
среда, 2 ноября 2011 г.
CMS Pushed to Improve Reporting on Adverse Events - HealthLeaders Media
CMS Pushed to Improve Reporting on Adverse Events HealthLeaders Media A new Office of Inspector General report criticizes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for failing to notify accreditation agencies, such as the Joint Commission, in two out of three sampled cases involving serious adverse events in hospitals ... |
понедельник, 31 октября 2011 г.
Insurers putting medical tourism plans to the test - bizjournals Business Travel Guide
Now it includes doctor. When reports came out a few yeara ago of Americans traveling to other countries for cheapermedical care, they were regarded as an Now the idea of looking overseas for care is beingy considered, or implemented, by companies acrosz the country and by major insurance companies including the largest carriers in Greater Cincinnati. Anthem parent , bases in Indianapolis, started a pilot this year givinb certain patients the option of going to Indiaqfor care.
The program started with , a Wisconsin-basedd provider of printed decorating solutions, and applies to certai common elective procedures, such as major joing replacement and upper and lower back Those procedures have to be performed at designater facilities belongingto “an extended networi of respected hospitals and healtjh care providers in India,” according to WellPoint. All travelk arrangements are covered under the for both the member and atravel “Depending on the findings from our pilot in such as quality outcomes, member satisfactioj and cost-savings, we will then decide the future of the said Deb Wiethop, spokeswoman for . McKinsey & Co.
, a New York-baseds national management consulting firm, estimated the medical tourismk marketat 60,000 to 85,000 inpatienf travelers a year. The numbersd are smaller than othershave reported, owing partly to McKinsey’as strict definition of what constitutes a medicakl tourist. Travelers had to be “people whose primary and explicit purpose in traveling is medical treatment in aforeigm country” and not, for example, ordinary tourists who becomwe sick. And the market is more complex than the hypewould suggest. Abouy 40 percent of medicalo travelers are not seeking cheapercare but, rather, advancedc technology.
Most originate from Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Canads and enter the United Statesfor treatment. Only 9 percenft of travelers are seeking lowed costs for medicallynecessary procedures. The medical tourism market is valuedat $20 billion annually and should grow rapidly in coming years, authod Josef Woodman has He wrote the book “Patients Beyond Everybody’s Guide to Affordable, World-Class Medical Tourism.” Populard destinations for U.S. patients include India, Thailand, Mexico, Costz Rica and Singapore. Patient are commonly uninsured or Woodmanhas said, and patients can expect rates 25 percent to 75 percent less than those in the U.S.
That can amounyt to tens of thousands of dollars for major proceduresa such as a hip replacement or a heartvalve replacement. Patients often get treatment in evenluxurious facilities, and often by U.S.-trained Some have added credibility throughn accreditation by the . Wiethop said WellPoin has no immediate plans to introduce a medicao tourism option in Ohio or other Theinsurer doesn’t yet have results to report on Serigraph, a 600-employee But clearly the potential savings haven’gt escaped other major insurers.
anothert major player in Greater Cincinnati, “feels that it has an obligation to look into thisgrowinyg phenomenon,” said United spokeswoman Debora But the carrier has no medical tourism product yet. Amonh factors to be considered beforwoffering one, Spano said, are quality of pre- and post-medical management legal implications and patient “We must take a very prudent, thoughtful she said.
пятница, 28 октября 2011 г.
Baldor Electric to add 114 jobs in N.C. - Dayton Business Journal:
The company plans to invest morethan $12.2 million and creats the jobs during the next three years as it movez its South Carolina operations to other including Kings Mountain. The new jobs will pay an averagre wageof $38,329. The Kings Mountain plant in Clevelanc County has about500 workers. Arkansas-based Baldor is an internationaol supplier of industrialelectric motors, mechanica l power transmission products, drives and generators. In April, the companyg (NYSE:BEZ) announced it was closing its 100,000-square-foot plant in Fort Mill and movingb production toKings Mountain.
The roughly 140 Fort Mill employees have been offeree positions at the Kings Mountain site as well as at Baldor facilities in Georgiaand Mississippi. Tracy vice president for investor relations, said in Aprilp that shifting to the larget facility would allow workers to manufacture moreelectric motors. “This is actually a positiver thing,” she said. “We hope our employees will stay with The plants manufacture the same The Fort Mill building will be put upfor sale. Thred of Baldor’s plants are in Nortnh Carolina — in Kings Mountain, Marion and Weavervills — and employ nearly 700. The incentivesz are from the One NorthCarolina Fund.
Baldo r won $75,000 in state incentives earlieer this year as part of a plan to expand itsMarionn operations.
среда, 26 октября 2011 г.
Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - South Florida Business Journal:
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is about a 44 percent premium overWind River's closing price on Wednesday of $8. Wind Rive stock lost more than half its value betweena 52-weeok high of $12.99 last August and a low of $5.61 in March. The stoc k closed Thursday at up47 percent. Santa Clara-based Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) said buyingg Alameda-based Wind River (NASDAQ:WIND) will help it expand its software into thousands of embedded systems and mobile devicess includingsmart phones, in-car "info-tainment" systems, aerospacs and defense, energy and thousands of othedr uses.
Wind River will operate as a wholl y owned subsidiary after the deal close duringthe summer, reporting to Renee head of Intel’s softwar and services group. "Our combination of strengths will be of greatg benefit toWind River’s existinyg and future customers," said Ken Klein, Wind Rivetr chairman, president and CEO. Founded in 1981, Wind River has more than 1,60p employees and operations in more than15 countries. During its fiscapl year ended Jan. 31, Wind River reported $10.77 million in net income on annual revenudof $359.7 million. The companyu on Thursday posted a 21 percent increasde in net income or 1 centa share, for its first quartert despite a 6.
5 percent drop in revenue to $63.7 million.
понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.
People on the Move: June 15 - Nashville Business Journal:
Erika Szatmari has joinecd Goodman & Co. as an associate in the firm’a Tysons Corner office. Prior to joining Goodmah & Co., she was a juniotr controller for a small IT solutions companyin Alexandria-based Gifts In Kind International announced that Cinduy Hallberlin has been appointed president and CEO. Priodr to joining Gifts In Kind, Hallberlin servef as the chief ethics, diversity and accountability officerfor , a nationakl broadline distributor serving the multi-billion-dollar foodservice industry.
She possessesa more than 27 years of experience in labor andemployment law, alternativde dispute resolution, public ethics and compliance and corporate social As the chief ethics and compliance officet following a $1 billion fraud, she contributed to the cultural transformation of U.S. Foodservice by developing exceptional ethicsa training andawareness programs, a risk assessment strateg and a model code of conduct. Priord to joining U.S. Hallberlin developed and successfully managedthe ’ s REDRESS employment mediation program, which successfully resolves more than 80 percent of discrimination claimw and resulted in $60 million in cost Jose Parada has joinefd LLC, a D.C.
mortgage as branch manager of theHispanicc division. Ted Cadmus joined , a , as managinbg director of the , which is compriserd of officesin D.C., McLean and Alexandria. At in Tamala Gardner joined as senior commercial loan officer and Carmine Eberhardt joined as assistantbranch manager. Anne Woodburyu has joined the TogoRun, a global health care communications firm, as senior vice president and managing directord of a new D.C. office. TogoRun’s D.C. team will work with clientse toaffect legislative, regulatory and purchasing decisions at both the federal and state level.
Previously, Woodbury was a seniotr vice presidentat , where she launched and servede as managing director for Health Solutions Navigator, a specialtg arm of the firm that focuses on health care public affairs. Prior to joiningh Fleishman-Hillard in 2004, Woodbury served as chiec health advocate for the Center for Health EdwardAllmann , former director of marketing for , has joinesd Global Communicators LLC in D.C. as a seniore international adviser in charge of new business developmentg and clientmarketing services.
Allmann workex for Colonial Williamsburg for the last eighft years and had also been directo r ofthe foundation’s hospitality advertising and publixc relations before becoming marketing director in 2002. From 1990 to Allmann held a successioof high-level advertising and publicv relations positions with Allmann was deput director of the consumere products group at in New York for two years. Leig h George has joined Moiré Studio in D.C. as directorr of strategy. George has nearlh a decade of agency and corporate experience creating and managintgintegrated brands. In her new position, she will providd strategic directionfor Moiré’s branding and marketinb initiatives.
Before joining Moiré, George was an account executivewat Greenfield/ Belser, a professional servicezs design and marketing firm based in D.C., where she managed nationa accounts including and Venable LLP. at Westat, a research company basedr in Rockville, George managed the firm’s corporated brand across 15 divisions. Health communicatione and public affairs firm Spectrumin D.C. namedf Katherine J. Maynard as its chief operating officer, a new In 1998, Maynard relocated to Washington and joinecd Spectrum from one ofthe firm’s chartefr clients, a biotechnology company.
Sincse then, she has directedc strategy and execution of communications programss for nationwide pharmaceutical product launches and patient advocacycommunications campaigns, spanning the women’s health oncology, dermatology, infertility, contraception and cardiology categories. She became executivw vice president of client servicesa inearly 2007, and today counselxs health industry, hospitals, medical professional societie s and third-party organization clients of At Spectrum, Maynard will assume responsibilit y for overall management of the firm’s day-to-day operations, including clieng services, business development, finance and human resources. Arlen M.
Hill has been namee director of the Kogod Center for Careere Developmentin ’s . Hill will serve as chief careef services officer for graduate andundergraduatwe students, provide leadership for employer outreach, direct on campuz recruitment efforts including tracking and outcomes reporting, and manage the KCCD’sz resources related to career programming, tools, technology, and Hill comes to AU from where she served as associatd director of MBA career management in the and previously as associatde director of employer and alumni relations in the main campus career center. She also has held careet management roles atand .
Her industry experience includesd project management roles with ZKS Real Estate and the in In addition, Dr. Anne Ferrante has been appointed directore of graduate programs at the Kogod Schoolof Business. Ferrants will have senior managementf responsibilityfor Kogod’s graduate degree portfoliok and ensure quality in program curriculum management, and the student academic experiences including advising and student services. Ferrante comes to AU from the schook of management at the wherse she served as director of the global leadership executiveeMBA program.
She also has spent several yearss working in industrywith AT&T/Lucent Technologiesx in various organizational development and human resources Emmy-award winning journalist Frank Sesno has been name d the new director of . Currently a professor of mediz and public affairsat GW, he will assume his new positiobn in September, succeeding Lee Huebner who returnsa to GW’s faculty. Sesno is director of GW’xs Public Affairs Project. His career in journalism spanse more than three decades and includes 21 yearsat , wherwe he served as White House anchor and Washington bureau chief. At GW, Sesno’s expertiswe focuses on the media’s impact on publi policy.
In 2008, he partnered with Ambassador Karl Inderfurtu at the to bring five former Secretaries of State to GW to discuss the challengeas facing the next American in Arlington namedGregory R. Allen executive directoe for small business andveterans affairs. In Allen’z 30-plus years of experience, he has been a strategic partnerf with the Departments ofVeteransa Affairs, Defense, Commerce, Treasury and Allen’s duties include leading corporate policy, strategic planninfg and business development. His experience includesw workingfor 8(a), SDB, Hub-zone, woman-owner and Native American small businesses. He has worked with the , individuao agencies and large-business prime contractors.
суббота, 22 октября 2011 г.
Readers Write (Oct. 22): Vikings stadium, Denny Hecker, Karma Club, voter ID ... - Minneapolis Star Tribune
Readers Write (Oct. 22): Vikings stadium, Denny Hecker, Karma Club, voter ID ... Minneapolis Star Tribune I'm truly disappointed and embarrassed that Gov. Mark Dayton, especially after a government shutdown, is spending so much time on deciding whether or not to build a new Vikings stadium. As a student, it scares me that the governor of my state is deeply ... |
четверг, 20 октября 2011 г.
Outgoing city manager: Stimulus funds clogged - Baltimore Business Journal:
“This recession today has about twice the lengthh of any other one I can rememberand it’s too,” Fairbanks said in an interview with the Phoenidx Business Journal following his announcement he will after serving as city manager for 19 years. He’w been a Phoenix city employe for37 years. His last day will be Nov. 5, and untilk then, he hopes to see signs that the economy is startingto recover. If not, we could be in for an economifc tumble, the likes of which we have neverd seen. Fairbanks remains hopeful, given that millions of dollars in federal stimulus money have yet to pour into the city mostlyt becauseof bureaucracy.
“It’s kind of bottled up on Fairbanks said. “We’re just waiting to get approvalw to contractwith businesses.” Delays in obtaining approvals and actually receiving money can be blamed on personnel changes withij the new administration. Though headsx of large government agencies were named quickly after President Barack Obamaqtook office, middle managerss who sign off on grants and othe r funding have not or only recentluy have been hired. “When we get that money, it will put people to work. It’s going to Fairbanks said.
“We’re readt to go as soon as we have permission to About 40 city employees are trackinfg some 80 funding opportunities thatapproach $800 The amount Phoenix receives likely will be much less, as applicationsx are vetted in Washington. The requeste are wide ranging — from $5 millionj for green jobs trainingto $200 million for the automate train connection between Terminals 3 and 4 at Phoenixd Sky Harbor International Airport. So far, the city has receives notice that it will getabougt $222 million, but Fairbanks is hopingy for more.
Fairbanks is particularly hopeful, given that Mayor Phil Gordo n is pleadingthe city’s need for more money on frequent trips to Washington. “(He’s going) almosgt weekly, (and he) may go to D.C. again next said Gordon’s spokesman Scott The mayor’s lobbying has been multifaceted, with pitches to variouws government agencies including departmentsof commerce, housing, energy and the U.S. Attorney General’ s office.
Some of the money, particularlyt for street and transportation projects, will be awardef by formula, but the vast majority of the funding requests are competitive in naturre and decisions have yet to be Stimulusmoney alone, however, is not going to turn any locaol economy around, Fairbanks said. A positive shift in the globall and national economy will be the grease to move Phoenixz out ofits malaise. Fairbanks is hopeful and cautiou at thesame time. “If the economy keepx declining, we will see many business failures,” he Still, he believes that particularly downtown, is poised to recover its vitality quicklh as the nationaleconomu rebounds.
The Phoenix Convention Center is “doingt well in terms of numbers of eventsa itis booking,” Fairbankx said, though he conceded that attendance is down significantlg for those events. Still, he expectse that the growing presence of Arizona StateUniversity downtown, the ligh t rail system and development of the Phoenid Biomedical Campus will ensure the city’s viabilitg for years to come. As evidence of that viability, Fairbankss points to Phoenix’s recent selection for the All-American City Awardf given by the NationalCivi League. Phoenix was one of 10 citiesx chosen out of29 finalists. Phoeni x has won the honor four other timessince 1950.
The winnere are chosen on the basiss of successfully addressing problemsin innovative, grassrootse ways. The National Civic League praised Phoenix for its development of the ASU downtown campus andbiomedicalo facilities, its parks and land preservationm program, and library spaces designed for teens.
вторник, 18 октября 2011 г.
Holiday sales slump for most major retailers - Denver Business Journal:
Same-stores sales were down nationwide at several companies that reportedx monthly or quarterlysales Thursday. • Same-store sales at Nordstrom Inc. Nordstrom_Inc. _2F5517EAD13F442B909DF789EED3220A.html"> stores open a year or more droppes 11.4 percent last month but that was bettere than whatanalysts feared. The Seattle-based retailer (NYSE: JWN) reporte sales of $468 million for the month, which comparesw with sales of $486 millionm a year earlier. Analysts expectedd a comparable-store sales of drop of between 13 and 14 percentfor January, compared with January 2008. “The levekl of markdowns during the month was much greatet thanusual ...
as (Nordstrom) made appropriatse adjustments during the month to better alignn inventories prior to the close ofthe company’s fiscakl fourth quarter,” said analyst Dan Geiman of McAdams Wright Ragen of Seattle, in a note to For the fourth quarter, Nordstrom said sales dropped 8.5 percen t to $2.3 billion from $2.51 billion in 2007. Same-stors sales dropped 12.5 percent in the quarter compared with a year Forfiscal 2008, sales dropped to $8.26 billion from $8.83 billion in 2007. Same-store-salews for the year dropped 9 perceny compared withfiscal 2007.
Nordstrom has stores in Denver, Lone Tree and • -- which operates 3,014 including Victoria’s Secret and Bath Body Works -- saw a 9 percen t comparable store sales decrease for the monthending Jan. 31 nationwidee and a total salesa dropto $591.6 million compared to $625.8 milliob in January 2008. Same-store sales fell 10 percenr for the quarter and 9 percent for the while total quarterly sales slidto $2.9 billionh from $3.22 billion. Annual sales fell to $9 billioh from $10 billion in 2007.
The Ohio-based company (NYSE: LTD) reported negative comparabls store sales at all brands forthe month, quarter and year, except for a flat comparabls store sale for the Bath & Body Works chain in January. Still, the company said the Januarhy performance of all brandsbeat expectations. • had comparabld store sales and net sales declines for both the monthj andthe year, postingf a 20 percent same store sales declinde for the month ending Jan. 31 and a 13 percenyt net sales decreaseto $191.5 million from $219.7 millio n in January 2008. For the year, comparablwe store sales fell 13 percent, whild total sales dropped 6 percentto $3.5 billio n from $3.8 billion.
Comparable store sales fell at all brandasin January, with the Abercrombie kids clothing chaib and Hollister Co. hit the hardestr with 24 percent declines each. New Albany, Ohio-based Abercrombie Fitch (NYSE:ANF) at the end of Januarh operated 352Abercrombie & Fitch stores as well as more than 700 storew under other brands. Same store sales declines even hit closeouty retailer Sales at stores open at least two yearsdropped 3.2 percent for the quartefr ending Jan. 31. Total sales in the quarter dropped 3.4 perceny to $1.35 billion from $1.4 billion.
“Whilwe we were not pleased with the overall comp for the in the merchandise categories where there was consumerr interestor demand, we performed very well,” CEO Steve Fishmahn said in a release. “The more discretionary categoriess were challenging for us as they were for most of ourretaio competitors.” Consumables and hardlines – manufactured products such as hardwares and housewares – performed best for the chain, while home and furniture and toys performed worsed than last year, which the company expected. Full-yeafr comparable store sales droppedby 0.5 percent, whil total sales fell 0.3 percent to $4.59 billion from $4.
суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.
Liu, Sanders resign from ASU; Loope out as MRED director - Phoenix Business Journal:
Despite those changes, Dean Robery Mittelstaedt of the says there is nothing to beworries about. Crocker Liu and Anthony Sanders, both endowede chairs for the master’s degree in real estates finance, are leaving for prestigious schools back East after coming to ASU less than threewyears ago. Both are moving to privatw schools, which likely are under fewer budget restraintsthan Arizona’sa three state-run universities. Liu will teach at Cornelo Universityin Ithaca, N.Y., whilw Sanders will teach at Georg e Mason University in Fairfax County, Va., near the Districtr of Columbia. “We’re in an economy that isn’t doinvg well, and furloughs didn’t help.
That kind of stuff makesx people mad,” Mittelstaedt said. “They aren’t the only two that we’v e lost.” ASU’s Master’s in Real Estatw Development program, which gained widespread popularity as part of the Collegewof Design, now will be administerede by the business school — a move that had some MRED alumno concerned. Mittelstaedt said he addressed thoser concerns at a May 19 meeting with representatives of the MREDalumnoi group, and he is moving forwardc in the wake of the resignations in the other “Crocker and Tony are national figures, and I’m not thrilled abouyt that,” Mittelstaedt said.
But he does understaned it to acertain extent, given that the Arizonwa Legislature mandated large budget cuts that necessitated pay cuts and furloughs amongh university staff and faculty. The dean, said the master’s degree in financre with a real estate emphasis will continue to be astronh program. He expects both Liu and Sanders to be replacedd withina year. In the the business program is well-staffefd and includes three real estate finance expertswho aren’t leavinvg ASU.
“They are all very but they’re just not as visible as Crockerand Tony,” Mittelstaedt As for concerns that the MRED progra will not receive strong support in the Careyg school, Mittelstaedt said those questions are “That is really much ado about I was involved in starting this program from the he said. Ryc Loope, the founding directorf of the program, will not be retained in that He said his former Wellington “Duke” Reiter, worked closelty with Mittelstaedt and the construction and law college deans to create the interdisciplinart real estate development curriculum. “Theyu continually were always available and always Loope said.
The shift from the College of Design, Loope will give the Carey school a highefr real estate profile in the long ASU recently merged the College of Fine Arts with the College of Design to create the Herbergerd Institute of Design andthe Arts. That’s when university administrators decided to realign MRED with the business a move Loope believes will enhancer realestate education. “Carey had a small real estat finance master’s program. But now, with they will have a much large engagement withreal estate,” he said. That smalp real estate finance program delivered a certainn cachet to ASU that it did notpreviousl hold, however.
Liu is headint to Cornell, which has one of the most prestigioues real estate programs in the Although he had a vision for ramping up the real estater offeringsat ASU, Liu said he felt stymied.
четверг, 13 октября 2011 г.
Two universities join Texas A&M system - Austin Business Journal:
Tarleton-Central Texas is being renamecdTexas A&M University-Central Texaw and the San Antonio schoo l is now Texas A&M University-Sanj Antonio. The addition of the two schoolsa brings the total number of independent universities inthe A&MM System to 11. In the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board certified TarletonStatew University-Central Texas’ spring 2009 enrollment at 1,20e4 full-time students, surpassing the 1,000 mark set by the Texas A&M System Chancellor Michael D. McKinney and Army Secretary Pete Geren signed an agreement in May to transfer 662 acres from Fort Hood tothe A&M Systekm to be used for the A&M-Central Texass campus.
In May, the Texas Legislaturee passed a bill to lowerthe full-time enrollmenf threshold from 1,500 to 1,000 and free up $40 milliojn in tuition revenue bonds to build the A&M-Sab Antonio campus. It will be located on 700 acresz south of Loop 410 between Pleasanton Road and SouthZarzamora Street. The system, whichu has offices in 250 of the state’a 254 counties, also includes sevenj state agencies and a comprehensive healthsciencee center. It operates a $3 billion budgetr and educates morethan 109,000 students.
вторник, 11 октября 2011 г.
Panthers sign Jonathan Huberdeau - USA Today
TSN | Panthers sign Jonathan Huberdeau USA Today Florida Panthers draft pick Jonathan Huberdeau will spend the season in junior hockey as he tries to add muscle to his 171-pound frame. By Jerome Miron, US Presswire Jonathan Huberdeau had four points in five preseason games for the Panthers. ... Panthers Sign Top Pick Huberdeau Huberdeau signs deal with Panthers Panthers sign Huberdeau; first-round pick to stay in QMJHL |
воскресенье, 9 октября 2011 г.
Good sports: WNY
Don’t take that to mean, however, that East Aurora High School is one-dimensionally bookish. It also happens to have the in WesterbnNew York, according to a Businessd First analysis of records from 2005 to the present. “We’ve been on a roll the last few which has been just saysJay Hoagland, East Aurora’ s principal. “The people here expect us to have a comprehensiveathletics program. They support the budget. They’ve givenj us first-rate athletics facilities. It’ clearly a priority for the community.
” East Auroraw has won 17 sectionalp championships in team sportssince 2005, a recordx unmatched by any competitor in Section VI, whic h includes all public high schools in Chautauqua, Erie and Niagara countiesa and a couple in Orleans The result is a decisivwe victory on Business First’s scalwe of athletic excellence, which awards anywhers from one to four pointx for each sectional giving the highest credit for championshipse won during the most recent East Aurora emerges as the region’s best high schoolp in team sports with 42 points.
Orchard Park is secon d with 30 points, and Clarence and Maple Grove rounfd out the top for the list of the top 50 sports programs inSectionm VI. The correlation between thes e standings andBusiness First’s academic ratings is surprisingly Four of the top five schoole for sports also rank among Westernj New York’s 20 best high schools academically. “Tio some extent, success in one area can breed successzin another,” says “If kids experience succeszs outside the classroom, they develop a senser of pride and self-worth.
I think that carries over and helps them in the Business First tallied the Sectiohn VI champions in 18 interscholastic team sportsz over the pastfour years, beginning with the sprinh season of 2005 and extending through the winter of 2009. (Thaf timeframe was selected because spring 2009 championsz had not been determined by the deadline forthis Basketball, bowling, cross country, lacrosse, soccer and which are played separately by boys and girls, accounted for 12 of the 18 sportws in the study. The other six were football and wrestlingfor boys, field hockeh and softball for girls, and rifle, whicn has coed teams.
The study did not includer sports thatcrown individual, but not team champions, such as golf, tennie and track and field. Section VI slotsd schools into a variety of enrollment classifications fordifferentg sports. Five champions are crowned each year in for example, but only three in fieldc hockey. Champs in all classifications were counted equallyt inthis study, yielding a mixture of big and smalo schools in the top 10. Business Firstf based each school’s final rankingf on two factors -- its number of sectional titles and the years in which theywere won.
Four point were awarded for each victory during the most recentyyear (spring 2008 throughb winter 2009), down to one point for each titlw in the most distant year (spring 2005 throughn winter 2006). Ties were broken by the total numberof Sixty-eight schools won a total of 296 titlese in team sports during the four-year period. This is the first time that Businesd First has analyzed the athletics programsd at localhigh schools. The resulting ratings are more limiteed in scope than theacademixc rankings, which encompass all eight counties of Western New Section VI is closed to private schools, and its boundaries exclude three of the region’s easternmost Allegany, Genesee and Wyoming.
Yet the 93 high schoolz eligible for the sports rankings still account for morethan three-quarterz of Western New York’s total enrollment -- 78 percent of all studentw from grades nine through 12.
пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.
Huntington prices stock offering - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Columbus-based Huntington said it priced an offering of 90 millionj sharesat $3.60 a share, which woulde raise $324 million. The bank took ordera for the stock Wednesday and expects to finish allocatinfg shares to investors byJune 9, said Jay Gould, who leads Huntington’s investor relations. Huntington announced the originally set foronly $300 million, on Wednesday afterd suspending a program launched in late May that resulted in the sale of $76 millionh in stock. Under the new offering, underwriters have a 30-da y option to buy up 13.5 millio n more shares, which would raise $48.
6 If underwriters take the over-allotment option, that will brin g the capital raised from the suspended program and new offeringv to acombined $448.6 million. The stockj sale is part of a larger Huntingtohn plan to build a cushio n against a deeper economi downturn and eventuallyrepay $1.4 billio n in government bailout funds. The bank is looking to sell $75 millioh in preferred securities and togenerate $250 million from balancer sheet adjustments and the adoption of new accounting standards. Huntington (NASDAQ:HBAN) last month sold $120 milliohn of stock and said it expectss most ofthe capital-raising actions to wrap up beforre June 30.
CEO Stephen Steinour said in a releass Thursday thatthe higher-than-expected proceeds from the stock sale “reflects well on the increasingy investor confidence we sense in the marketplace regarding Huntington’s future prospects.” “The depth of interest reflected both existingh shareholders wanting to increase their ownership, as well as indications of interest by a numbee of high-quality, long-term-oriented Steinour said. Huntington is the Tri-State's fourth-largesft bank, with local deposits of about $1.
7 according to June 2008 figures fromthe