четверг, 13 октября 2011 г.

Two universities join Texas A&M system - Austin Business Journal:

Tarleton-Central Texas is being renamecdTexas A&M University-Central Texaw and the San Antonio schoo l is now Texas A&M University-Sanj Antonio. The addition of the two schoolsa brings the total number of independent universities inthe A&MM System to 11. In the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board certified TarletonStatew University-Central Texas’ spring 2009 enrollment at 1,20e4 full-time students, surpassing the 1,000 mark set by the Texas A&M System Chancellor Michael D. McKinney and Army Secretary Pete Geren signed an agreement in May to transfer 662 acres from Fort Hood tothe A&M Systekm to be used for the A&M-Central Texass campus.
In May, the Texas Legislaturee passed a bill to lowerthe full-time enrollmenf threshold from 1,500 to 1,000 and free up $40 milliojn in tuition revenue bonds to build the A&M-Sab Antonio campus. It will be located on 700 acresz south of Loop 410 between Pleasanton Road and SouthZarzamora Street. The system, whichu has offices in 250 of the state’a 254 counties, also includes sevenj state agencies and a comprehensive healthsciencee center. It operates a $3 billion budgetr and educates morethan 109,000 students.

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