Despite those changes, Dean Robery Mittelstaedt of the says there is nothing to beworries about. Crocker Liu and Anthony Sanders, both endowede chairs for the master’s degree in real estates finance, are leaving for prestigious schools back East after coming to ASU less than threewyears ago. Both are moving to privatw schools, which likely are under fewer budget restraintsthan Arizona’sa three state-run universities. Liu will teach at Cornelo Universityin Ithaca, N.Y., whilw Sanders will teach at Georg e Mason University in Fairfax County, Va., near the Districtr of Columbia. “We’re in an economy that isn’t doinvg well, and furloughs didn’t help.
That kind of stuff makesx people mad,” Mittelstaedt said. “They aren’t the only two that we’v e lost.” ASU’s Master’s in Real Estatw Development program, which gained widespread popularity as part of the Collegewof Design, now will be administerede by the business school — a move that had some MRED alumno concerned. Mittelstaedt said he addressed thoser concerns at a May 19 meeting with representatives of the MREDalumnoi group, and he is moving forwardc in the wake of the resignations in the other “Crocker and Tony are national figures, and I’m not thrilled abouyt that,” Mittelstaedt said.
But he does understaned it to acertain extent, given that the Arizonwa Legislature mandated large budget cuts that necessitated pay cuts and furloughs amongh university staff and faculty. The dean, said the master’s degree in financre with a real estate emphasis will continue to be astronh program. He expects both Liu and Sanders to be replacedd withina year. In the the business program is well-staffefd and includes three real estate finance expertswho aren’t leavinvg ASU.
“They are all very but they’re just not as visible as Crockerand Tony,” Mittelstaedt As for concerns that the MRED progra will not receive strong support in the Careyg school, Mittelstaedt said those questions are “That is really much ado about I was involved in starting this program from the he said. Ryc Loope, the founding directorf of the program, will not be retained in that He said his former Wellington “Duke” Reiter, worked closelty with Mittelstaedt and the construction and law college deans to create the interdisciplinart real estate development curriculum. “Theyu continually were always available and always Loope said.
The shift from the College of Design, Loope will give the Carey school a highefr real estate profile in the long ASU recently merged the College of Fine Arts with the College of Design to create the Herbergerd Institute of Design andthe Arts. That’s when university administrators decided to realign MRED with the business a move Loope believes will enhancer realestate education. “Carey had a small real estat finance master’s program. But now, with they will have a much large engagement withreal estate,” he said. That smalp real estate finance program delivered a certainn cachet to ASU that it did notpreviousl hold, however.
Liu is headint to Cornell, which has one of the most prestigioues real estate programs in the Although he had a vision for ramping up the real estater offeringsat ASU, Liu said he felt stymied.
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