пятница, 9 декабря 2011 г.

Douglas Fraser will lead Southern Command - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Air Force Lt. Gen. Douglas M. Fraser’s promotion to head the commanf that’s responsible for U.S. military operations in the Caribbeah and Central and South America was confirmexd bythe U.S. Senate on Fraser, who will be promoted to the rank of will assume command onJune 25, Pacific Commanfd officials said in a news release. Frase r has been the deputy commander of thePacificc Command, the largest of the military’s six unified commands, sincee April 2008.
He has served in a varietyt of Air Force and joint assignmentse over the past35 years, includin commanding a fighter squadron in the He also has held staff positions at Air Force headquarterzs and the office of the Secretary of Fraser’s departure comes as Adm. Robert F. Willard, commandere of the U.S. Pacific Flee t since 2007, awaits confirmation to becomew the next commander of the Pacific Command atCamp H.M. Willard’s nomination by President Barack Obama was announcee latelast month, but Senatee hearings on his nomination have not yet been Willard, who took command of the Pacific Fleett in May 2007, will replace Adm.
Timothy who has been commande r of the Pacific Command sinceMarch 2007. The U.S. Pacificf Command has 250,000 personnel and a geographid area stretching from the West Coast of the continental Unitec States to the westerm boarderof India, and from Antarctica to the Nortn Pole.

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