среда, 25 января 2012 г.

Unemployment is over 20% for S.F. building sector - San Francisco Business Times:

With 16,000 members, that means that more than 3,20o0 building trades workers are currently withouta job. Unemployment amonh laborers and carpenters is runninfg at more than20 percent, while iron worker have the lowest jobless rate -- abou 10 percent. “Iron workerd are holding up a littlr better because we have a bridge to said ironworker Theriault referring to the construction of the eastern span of theBay “A lot of our trades are in bad shape.
” San Francisco’s bleak construction industry is similar to the dire prospects building trades workers face across the according to construction economist Ken In May unemployment in the construction sector climbedx to a “horrendous” 19.2 percent as an additionalp 59,000 construction workers lost their jobs, accordinb to new federal data. Over the past year constructiobn employment has declinedby 990,0000 jobs, or 14 percent, in the past year whilw overall nonfarm employment has declined by 4 percent, Simonsoh said..
“Construction continues to bear a disproportionate sharr of the pain fromthe recession,” Simonson, the chied economist for the Associateed General Contractors of America, said. “Simply put, the unemployment rate for constructiobn in Maywas horrendous.” Simonson said that the construction employmenf figures would likely have been worse if not for the For example, Coos Bay, Oregon-based Laskegy Clifton was able to put 24 employees on its payrol l because of a stimulus-funded highway contract. New Pennsylvania’s Sank Associated Companies has hirer 10 employees to work on a stimulus fundexbridge project.
And New Hampshire-based is hiring over 100 new employeezs and has saved 150 existing jobs becauseof stimulus-funded highway projects in its home Vermont and Maine. “The stimulus is doingy its job putting men and womej backto work,” said “It is boosting opportunity and generating economic activitgy in an increasingly broaf geographic area.

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