Customers last week startef receiving notification that the branch woulsdclose Aug. 28. Accounts from that BofA says, will be dispersed to nearby locations at141 S. Rock at the Towne East Squaree Mall, and in the Cherry Creeik area at1617 S. Rock Road. “When we have overlal in services, we look where are bankinvg centers are,” says company spokesperson Diane Wagner. “There’s no need to have threew locations within a mile of each The branch’s eight employees also will be reassignecd to other branches, so no jobs will be lost as a resulf of the closing, Wagner The Wichita branch is one of three Kansas locationsd scheduled to close later this year.
Branches in Empori and Coffeyville are slated to close in The banks are part of a numberr of branches nationwide BofA has closed inrecent weeks. Wagner says eliminatiny overlaps in service is a practic ethe Charlotte, N.C.-based BofA does everyy year and does not reflect the financial health of the company. she says, remains committed to the Wichit market. The bank has 15 locations in the Wichita When deciding which branchesto close, BofA lookzs at a variety of factors, including customer volume and the types of servicew offered. The Woodlawn location has undergone a seriese of changes inits history. Wichita-baseds acquired the branch in 1991from .
Boatmen’ Bank then bought Bank IV in 1995. A year later, BofA acquiredf the branch when it bought BofA nowhas 6,100 banking centers throughout the Unitedf States.
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