The latest natural gas cost adjustment approvesd by the forthe state’s five largest natural gas distributiojn utilities, shows an average decline of $1.10 per 1,000 cubic feet betweenb November and February, the PSC said in a news Dallas-based ; Lexington, Ky.-basedd of Kentucky Inc.; Winchester, Ky.-basefd Inc.; ; and , are the state’xs five largest natural gas suppliers in the Together, the companies serve more than 750,000 Kentucky customers and deliver abou t 176 billion cubic feet of naturap gas per year. A typical customer using 10,000o cubic feet of natural gas per montyh willpay $11 less than they did threes months ago.
In February, customerxs of the state’s five largest paid an averageof $11.60 per 1,000 cubic feet of natura l gas, compared with $11.70 per 1,000 cubic feet in The cost remains up, however, from the averagew of $9.63 per thousand cubic feet customerz paid a year ago, the PSC said. The which regulates utilitiesin Kentucky, said that base on filings it has received from various the cost of natural gas likely will decline agaihn in March.
“These declines show that the downturmn in the wholesale price of natural gas is makinhg its wayto consumers,” PSC chairmab David Armstrong said in the “If wholesale prices remain low, consumers shoulc see further decreases in their costs in the cominbg months.” By federal law, natural gas pricea are not regulated at the wholesale level and fluctuate with supply and demand, the PSC said in the Under Kentucky law, gas companies are entitled to recover the wholesal cost of the gas delivered to their including the fees they pay to interstated pipelines to transport the gas to their retail distribution systems.
Wholesale prices peaked in the summer of when natural gas distributors were storinhg natural gas for use during the winterfheating season.
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