Co-owners Janelle and Clint Myers are now working onthe company’s first projects since formally launching in Septemberf 2008. The company is actinbg as an environmental consultant tothe $324 milliomn Lincoln highway bypass project and it has contractsd with the Nevada Irrigation District in Grass Valley. The self-funded, woman-owned Sacramento business is focused mainly on publidcworks jobs. In additionh to project managementand consulting, MCS provide s storm water management and engineering services. MCS executive vice presidenr Clint Myers said what sets MCS aparr from traditional consulting companies isthe principals’ experience in the constructionh industry.
Not a lot of consultants have suchan expertise, he “We’re hoping that we can fill that he added. MCS has $100,000 in backloyg work. The company expects to be profitables in the first quarterof 2010. Myeras said MCS can help companies that once framedhouses — work that has dried up in the regionm and across the country explore other opportunities, such as publicc contracts. The state wants to build more highwa yrest areas, for example, he said.
Janeller Myers’ experience in the industryu dates back to 1990 when she helped starrta woman-owned highway constructioj company focused on building barrier rails in California, Nevada and New She was on the board of directors untilo the company was sold to Rancho Cordova-based , her husband’s firm, in 2006. Clint Myers worked as an engineer and project managerfor C.C. Myerx before going back to school fora master’s degrere in real estate development at the . After receiving his the younger Myersran Today, C.C. homebuilding companies — Myers Homes Inc.
, Myers Homes of Californiaz LLC (licensed in Nevada) and several subsidiaries — are estimated to be worth nothingh due to the depressedhousing market. C.C. Myers majority owned by its is a creditor in the Chapter 7 personakl bankruptcy filedby C.C. Myers last year. In these tougyh economic times, Clint Myersa said MCS plans to help companies and governmenf agencies find creative ways toremovre “fat” from their budgets and, on the environmental come up with “solutions that are more economically friendlt while still preserving the quality habitat that California has come to When the economy was strong, a developer lookinh to get a project approved for example, buy expensive mitigationm credits to destroy a wetlansd on a project site in ordere to speed it up.
But Myerd said MCS could help such a developert find a less expensive such as keeping the wetlancd and working with the city to increase the lot MCS will compete for environmental consultingg jobs with companies suchas , a Sacramento-basedr subsidiary of The company declined to commenf on the new venture. Web site went live last and it has Facebook andLinkedIn profiles, Clint Myeres said. “The people you have to appeak to for construction contracts are getting youngereand younger,” he “We’re trying to find different ways to connect to thosew people.” For now, the company has two and a wildlife biologist on contract.
MCS plansx to hire a business development manager for marketing andpreparingf proposals. When it comes to business MCS will tap people who are retirexor semi-retired from the field. “With the family beinv in the construction industry forso long, there are a variety of people that we’ved known over the years who are now retiree who are looking for something to Clint Myers said. “Our combined with people we’re able to bring in, can give us the abilityu to do somefairly high-end consultinfg for businesses wanting to grow or Consultants also can assist companies transitioninyg from one generation to the next.
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