| NDP candidates attack Harper NDP leadership candidates left to right Thomas Mulcair, Romeo Saganash, Martin Singh, Nathan Cullen, Niki Ashton, Peggy Nash, Brian Topp and Paul Dewar take part in debate in Halifax on Sunday. (PETER PARSONS / Staff) IT TOOK just seconds at the ... NDP leadersh ip hopefuls target Mulcair in second debate Cullen on defence during federal NDP leadership debate Federal NDP leadership hopefuls target Harper |
понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.
NDP candidates attack Harper -
суббота, 28 января 2012 г.
Jenkens & Gilchrist attorneys indicted - Baltimore Business Journal:
The indictment names Paul M. 58, of Wilmette, Ill., the former head of Jenkene & Gilchrist’s Chicago office and tax Erwin Mayer, 45, of Winnetka, Ill., a lawyerd and shareholder withthe firm’ Chicago tax practice; Donna Guerin, 48, of Elmhurts, a lawyer and shareholdee at Jenkens & Gilchrist’s tax Denis Field, 51, of Fla., the former CEO and chairman of the boarx of BDO Seidman; Robert Greisman, 48, of Ill., a tax partner at BDO’s Chicago The indictment includes Planop resident Raymond Craig Brubaker, 53, a formerr investment representative at Bank A’s Dallaxs office.
Brubaker is a CPA and an He previously served as a tax partnere inArthur Andersen's Dallas office. The individuals named were chargecd with tax fraud conspiracy and relater crimes arising out of the tax shelterd promoted by thelaw firm, BDO and the The Jenkens & Gilchrist law firm, which was Dallas-based, dissolve after a tax shelter set up by the firm'as Chicago office drew the interest of federalk authorities. Jenkens & Gilchrist agreed in 2005 to pay $81.
55 milliojn to former clients who receivedr bad tax advice from the law The indictmentsays “the defendantss and their co-conspirators marketed and implemented fraudulenf tax shelters used by wealthy individuals with multimillion-dolla taxable income in order to eliminate or reduce the taxes they wouldr have to pay the IRS.” The seven individualss were charged in 27 separate counts. The chargea include conspiracy to defraudthe IRS, tax evasion and impedingy and impairing the lawful functioning of the IRS.
The indictment claims that between the yearsx of 1994and 2004, the defendantsz were engaged in a scheme to deceive the IRS by designing and marketing fraudulent tax shelters for clients. "Dishonest and fraudulent tax including accountants, attorneys and bankers, should standx up and take noteof today's indictment," said John A. the acting assistant attorney general of theJustic Department's Tax Division.
"Professionals who sell and promot fraudulent tax shelters that help wealthy clients illegallyy evade taxes face serious felony charges and substantialprison
среда, 25 января 2012 г.
Unemployment is over 20% for S.F. building sector - San Francisco Business Times:
With 16,000 members, that means that more than 3,20o0 building trades workers are currently withouta job. Unemployment amonh laborers and carpenters is runninfg at more than20 percent, while iron worker have the lowest jobless rate -- abou 10 percent. “Iron workerd are holding up a littlr better because we have a bridge to said ironworker Theriault referring to the construction of the eastern span of theBay “A lot of our trades are in bad shape.
” San Francisco’s bleak construction industry is similar to the dire prospects building trades workers face across the according to construction economist Ken In May unemployment in the construction sector climbedx to a “horrendous” 19.2 percent as an additionalp 59,000 construction workers lost their jobs, accordinb to new federal data. Over the past year constructiobn employment has declinedby 990,0000 jobs, or 14 percent, in the past year whilw overall nonfarm employment has declined by 4 percent, Simonsoh said..
“Construction continues to bear a disproportionate sharr of the pain fromthe recession,” Simonson, the chied economist for the Associateed General Contractors of America, said. “Simply put, the unemployment rate for constructiobn in Maywas horrendous.” Simonson said that the construction employmenf figures would likely have been worse if not for the For example, Coos Bay, Oregon-based Laskegy Clifton was able to put 24 employees on its payrol l because of a stimulus-funded highway contract. New Pennsylvania’s Sank Associated Companies has hirer 10 employees to work on a stimulus fundexbridge project.
And New Hampshire-based is hiring over 100 new employeezs and has saved 150 existing jobs becauseof stimulus-funded highway projects in its home Vermont and Maine. “The stimulus is doingy its job putting men and womej backto work,” said “It is boosting opportunity and generating economic activitgy in an increasingly broaf geographic area.
понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.
Small businesses wary of health care reform - Kansas City Business Journal:
That goal, however, may not be achievef in the legislation now movingthroughb Congress, some business groups fear. They’re afraid the bill bein marked up this month by theSenate Health, Education, Labof and Pensions Committee won’t do enough to contro l health care costs, but will go too far in imposinfg stiff new insurance requirements—including minimum coveragde levels—on employers. They also worrh that includinga government-run plan as an option in new insurance exchanges would lead hospitals and doctors to chargd private insurers more for their services in order to compensate for underpaymentes they would receive from the public plan. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce has e-mailed its urging them to oppose the SenateHELP Committee’s calling it “a dangerous proposal.” James Gelfand, the chamber’s seniotr manager of health policy, said now is the time for businessesw to demand changes in the including striking a requirement for employersz to provide insurance to their workers. “We need healtuh reform,” Gelfand said, but if the bill isn’r fixed, “I don’t know how we could possibly support The prospect of health care reformn raising costs for small businesses is “a legitimate fear,” said John Arensmeyer, CEO of Smalpl Business Majority, an organization that believes employerx should provide insurance to thei workers.
A study commissioned by the organization founx that businesses with fewer than 100 employeesa could save as muchas $855 billiom over the next 10 years if health care reform is The analysis, conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technologgy economist Jonathan Gruber, assumes that Congress will require all but the smallest firms to provide health insurance to theidr employees or pay a fee to the federa government, based on their size. It also assume that Congress will provide tax credits to smalkl businesses to help them pay forthe coverage—za provision that is included in the Senate HELP Committee’ s bill.
Todd McCracken, president of the Nationak SmallBusiness Association, said it’s “not yet whether small businesses will be better off after healtnh care reform. Providing tax credit s or other subsidies to smalol businesses for insurance coveragecould “create all kindsa of weird incentives and disincentives” for companies, he said. McCracken also is disappointed that the healtb care reform bills in their earlyformes aren’t more aggressive about driving down health care costs by changing the way medicine is practiced.
The National Federatiojn of Independent Business has been lobbyingf hard for health care reformfor years, with the goal of bringinvg down costs for small employers througj pooling mechanisms and insurance market reforms. Like NFIB lobbyist Amanda Austin thinksd the Senate HELP Committee billis “ a little light on cost containment.” NFIB also opposeas an employer mandate and a government-ruh insurance plan, two key partzs of that panel’s legislation.
суббота, 21 января 2012 г.
C.C. Myers clan branches out with new consulting venture - Sacramento Business Journal:
Co-owners Janelle and Clint Myers are now working onthe company’s first projects since formally launching in Septemberf 2008. The company is actinbg as an environmental consultant tothe $324 milliomn Lincoln highway bypass project and it has contractsd with the Nevada Irrigation District in Grass Valley. The self-funded, woman-owned Sacramento business is focused mainly on publidcworks jobs. In additionh to project managementand consulting, MCS provide s storm water management and engineering services. MCS executive vice presidenr Clint Myers said what sets MCS aparr from traditional consulting companies isthe principals’ experience in the constructionh industry.
Not a lot of consultants have suchan expertise, he “We’re hoping that we can fill that he added. MCS has $100,000 in backloyg work. The company expects to be profitables in the first quarterof 2010. Myeras said MCS can help companies that once framedhouses — work that has dried up in the regionm and across the country explore other opportunities, such as publicc contracts. The state wants to build more highwa yrest areas, for example, he said.
Janeller Myers’ experience in the industryu dates back to 1990 when she helped starrta woman-owned highway constructioj company focused on building barrier rails in California, Nevada and New She was on the board of directors untilo the company was sold to Rancho Cordova-based , her husband’s firm, in 2006. Clint Myers worked as an engineer and project managerfor C.C. Myerx before going back to school fora master’s degrere in real estate development at the . After receiving his the younger Myersran Today, C.C. homebuilding companies — Myers Homes Inc.
, Myers Homes of Californiaz LLC (licensed in Nevada) and several subsidiaries — are estimated to be worth nothingh due to the depressedhousing market. C.C. Myers majority owned by its is a creditor in the Chapter 7 personakl bankruptcy filedby C.C. Myers last year. In these tougyh economic times, Clint Myersa said MCS plans to help companies and governmenf agencies find creative ways toremovre “fat” from their budgets and, on the environmental come up with “solutions that are more economically friendlt while still preserving the quality habitat that California has come to When the economy was strong, a developer lookinh to get a project approved for example, buy expensive mitigationm credits to destroy a wetlansd on a project site in ordere to speed it up.
But Myerd said MCS could help such a developert find a less expensive such as keeping the wetlancd and working with the city to increase the lot MCS will compete for environmental consultingg jobs with companies suchas , a Sacramento-basedr subsidiary of The company declined to commenf on the new venture. Web site went live last and it has Facebook andLinkedIn profiles, Clint Myeres said. “The people you have to appeak to for construction contracts are getting youngereand younger,” he “We’re trying to find different ways to connect to thosew people.” For now, the company has two and a wildlife biologist on contract.
MCS plansx to hire a business development manager for marketing andpreparingf proposals. When it comes to business MCS will tap people who are retirexor semi-retired from the field. “With the family beinv in the construction industry forso long, there are a variety of people that we’ved known over the years who are now retiree who are looking for something to Clint Myers said. “Our combined with people we’re able to bring in, can give us the abilityu to do somefairly high-end consultinfg for businesses wanting to grow or Consultants also can assist companies transitioninyg from one generation to the next.
четверг, 19 января 2012 г.
вторник, 17 января 2012 г.
No deal on teacher evaluation system - New York Daily News
New York Daily News | No deal on teacher evaluation system New York Daily News Andrew Cuomo pushed for a deal on statewide teacher evaluations but was forced to go with Plan B, the Daily News has learned. ALBANY â" A determined Gov. Cuomo held âserious discussionsâ with union officials as he pushed for a deal on a statewide ... I'll Cuo i t alone on teachers Invoking King, Cuomo and Bloomberg Stoke Fight on Teacher Review Impasse Evaluations of teachers, risk of fund loss collide |
воскресенье, 15 января 2012 г.
Stanford Medical School nets $6.9M in federal stimulus funding - Philadelphia Business Journal:
million in federal economic stimulusd funding. Eleven of the newly funded projects hadbeen peer-revieweds and approved but hadn’t received money yet. Anothee six involved supplemental grants toexistinh projects. And in one the NIH awarded $500,00p to a researcher to buy two photonh microscopes that will be shared withothefr laboratories. These projects are the first at the medicalk school to receive support undefr theObama administration’s nationak stimulus plan, with additional grantxs expected down the road, officials said. “Thiss is a lifesaver,” said Francis M.D., associate professor of radiology andof pediatrics, who receive $655,000 in stimulus funds.
“It really stabilizes the Philip Pizzo, M.D., dean of the School of said the stimulus funding is critical tothe country’sz health-care reform effort because of the linkage betwee n research and medical care. “After six yearsz of NIH funding that constantly lost its value againsrinflation — with a profoundly negativs impact on our nation’s prized biomedical research enterprisd — the stimulus funding is helping to take researcjh off life support and breathe new hope for work that we hope will ultimatelty improve the lives of adults and Pizzo said in the June 16
четверг, 12 января 2012 г.
Puget Sound-area 787 parts makers expressing relief after two-year delay - Houston Business Journal:
It’s a big relief for local companies that interruptesd manufacturing plansfor Boeing’s new aircraft when the 787’e production problems arose in the summer of 2007. Restarting locaol production of parts and assemblieds for the 787 will bring new activity and jobs to a statse industry that is facing lowefr production rates for someof Boeing’sd older models, including the 777 and 747.
Boeing currently has 866 orders forthe 787, a recordr for an aircraft that hasn’t although the order book has slid this “We’re all going to be happy when it That would mark the start of the officialp ramp-up, and the health of the prograkm being able to finally move said Kevin Steck, chairman of the , the region’s leadingt aerospace industry group. Steck also is vice presidenf of business developmentfor , a Kent-based division of owner of Boeing rival Airbus. To be the resumption in parts manufacturingis spotty, dependingy on the destinations of the parts and and on how long the 787 production was shut down.
How loca suppliers are responding to the approacg ofthe 787’s first flight also reflectas the new global production model, which depends on outsids prime contractors to buildr major airframe sections around the world so that Boeintg can assemble them into an aircraft in Everett. Bob Boeing vice president of 787 Supplier said he believes there are aboug 30 significant companies supplying the 787 in adding that the long production hiatu is nearingan end. “The phenomena you’re seeinf is the demand signals are starting to get back to and they’re starting to get signals to make he said.
“I would expecg that all suppliers, including thosed located locally, are starting to move or preparinbg to startto move.” Noble said lower-tier companies are startingg production sooner, because they must finish their parts beforer the pieces can be integrated into assemblies by companiesa farther up the assembly chain. “Ag the end of the line, you’re starting to get a signak to startmarking parts,” he “The timing and rate depends on a particular supplier’z position in the production system and the amount of inventorgy currently available.
” Reflecting the complicated supply chain, in Kent is one companty that will be simultaneously supplying the same part to Boeing’s prime contractors in Asia and to Boeing itself. Cascade is resuminf productionof “clamp blocks,” plastic brackets that hold hydraulic lines into the aircrafgt hull. Each 787 will use 1,500 At the same Cascade is starting testing of anew injection-moldingy machine it installed to meet demand for clamp blockw when the 787 enters full Cascade invested nearly $4 million in the new machineryt and a section of its factory to housr it, said Mike Moran, general “All indications are they want us to commence buildingh in August,” he said.
“We’re gettinv ready to start rolling hereright away.” In three weeks ago resumed milling and shipping large titaniuj parts to Korean Airlines Aerospace after a yearlong hiatus, said Dave CEO of Precision. The Korean company, a manufacturing subsidiaruy ofKorean Airlines, makes largr airframe sections for the 787, and needsx the titanium parts to tie those sections to the rest of the 787 Baublits said. Baublits said he expects Precision’as business to rise about 7 percentthis year, althoughy this is less than the 17 percent or 18 percent growth the companh had expected before the recession.
“We’rs staying pretty flat on peoplebecause we’re watching our he said, adding that the companty now employs 165. While critics, especially union leaders, have complained that the two-year delay shows that Boeing’ss outsourced production model for the 787 has the company is sticking with the tacti c of moving more responsibilityy and production tolargse suppliers. “This was an enormous said Noble, the Boeint vice president, adding that many of the problems came from how new theaircraf is, not from anything inherent in the system “We have not materially changeed the production systems for the 787.
вторник, 10 января 2012 г.
Kentucky natural gas costs decline - Business First of Louisville:
The latest natural gas cost adjustment approvesd by the forthe state’s five largest natural gas distributiojn utilities, shows an average decline of $1.10 per 1,000 cubic feet betweenb November and February, the PSC said in a news Dallas-based ; Lexington, Ky.-basedd of Kentucky Inc.; Winchester, Ky.-basefd Inc.; ; and , are the state’xs five largest natural gas suppliers in the Together, the companies serve more than 750,000 Kentucky customers and deliver abou t 176 billion cubic feet of naturap gas per year. A typical customer using 10,000o cubic feet of natural gas per montyh willpay $11 less than they did threes months ago.
In February, customerxs of the state’s five largest paid an averageof $11.60 per 1,000 cubic feet of natura l gas, compared with $11.70 per 1,000 cubic feet in The cost remains up, however, from the averagew of $9.63 per thousand cubic feet customerz paid a year ago, the PSC said. The which regulates utilitiesin Kentucky, said that base on filings it has received from various the cost of natural gas likely will decline agaihn in March.
“These declines show that the downturmn in the wholesale price of natural gas is makinhg its wayto consumers,” PSC chairmab David Armstrong said in the “If wholesale prices remain low, consumers shoulc see further decreases in their costs in the cominbg months.” By federal law, natural gas pricea are not regulated at the wholesale level and fluctuate with supply and demand, the PSC said in the Under Kentucky law, gas companies are entitled to recover the wholesal cost of the gas delivered to their including the fees they pay to interstated pipelines to transport the gas to their retail distribution systems.
Wholesale prices peaked in the summer of when natural gas distributors were storinhg natural gas for use during the winterfheating season.
воскресенье, 8 января 2012 г.
Penske losing Big Lots logistics contract - Portland Business Journal:
is packing up this summedr at thediscount retailer’s headquarters and four othee distribution facilities after the merchant opted to not renewa a logistics contract that expires in July. The Pa.-based Penske said 186 workers, including 53 in could be affected when its contract with Columbus-based Big Lots expires July 31. Penske spokesman Randyh Ryerson said the company has worked with the retailersince 1991. The 1,300-store Big Lots has chosen a new third-partyg logistics provider to continue the warehousing and distribution work that Penskwe performed atthe retailer’s Phillipi Road headquarters and its distribution centers in Pa; Montgomery, Ala.; Ranchpo Cucamonga, Calif.
; and Durant, Okla. Timothy Big Lots’ vice president of strategic planning andinvestor relations, said more than a dozenb carriers bid for the work. He declined to disclose the companyh Big Lots selected tosucceed Penske. Big Lots and Penske representativezssaid they’re working with truck drivers looking to continu e work under the new logistics provider. Johnson said the compangy met with workers over the weekensd to introduce thenew contractor. In the event that some workerssare cut, Ryerson said privately held Pensk will work with the state “to make sure employees are aware of different services.” Penske employs about 20,000 workerds worldwide.
Asked why Big Lots optexd to bid for a new contractor afterf thelatest five-year contract with Penske, Johnson “a lot has changed in transportatiojn in the past five years. We owed it to our associatez and shareholders to take a fresg look at how we handle outbound The loss of the Big Lots contract comes less than a year aftetr Penske was replaced at a warehouswin Lockbourne. Chattanooga, Tenn.-based last fall stepped in at the where Penske had employede146 workers. Penske has 400 logisticw centers worldwide. Its Central Ohio operations include a number of distributionb and warehousing facilities inthe region.
пятница, 6 января 2012 г.
Ken Hess column: Questions answered touch on Social Security audio ... - Wausau Daily Herald
Ken Hess column: Questions answered touch on Social Security audio ... Wausau Daily Herald Answer: Yes, we do. You can find them at Some of the publications available include What You Can Do Online, How Social Security Can Help You When A Family Member Dies, Apply Online For Social Security Benefits, ... |
среда, 4 января 2012 г.
BofA to close east Wichita branch to consolidate services - Wichita Business Journal:
Customers last week startef receiving notification that the branch woulsdclose Aug. 28. Accounts from that BofA says, will be dispersed to nearby locations at141 S. Rock at the Towne East Squaree Mall, and in the Cherry Creeik area at1617 S. Rock Road. “When we have overlal in services, we look where are bankinvg centers are,” says company spokesperson Diane Wagner. “There’s no need to have threew locations within a mile of each The branch’s eight employees also will be reassignecd to other branches, so no jobs will be lost as a resulf of the closing, Wagner The Wichita branch is one of three Kansas locationsd scheduled to close later this year.
Branches in Empori and Coffeyville are slated to close in The banks are part of a numberr of branches nationwide BofA has closed inrecent weeks. Wagner says eliminatiny overlaps in service is a practic ethe Charlotte, N.C.-based BofA does everyy year and does not reflect the financial health of the company. she says, remains committed to the Wichit market. The bank has 15 locations in the Wichita When deciding which branchesto close, BofA lookzs at a variety of factors, including customer volume and the types of servicew offered. The Woodlawn location has undergone a seriese of changes inits history. Wichita-baseds acquired the branch in 1991from .
Boatmen’ Bank then bought Bank IV in 1995. A year later, BofA acquiredf the branch when it bought BofA nowhas 6,100 banking centers throughout the Unitedf States.
воскресенье, 1 января 2012 г.
Three Rivers Arts Festival back in Point State Park for 50th anniversary - Nashville Business Journal:
This year, the festival will have a new parentf organization and a shorterrun “Our theme song is, ‘We’re as in back in the park,” said Kevin CEO of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, which took over the annua Downtown arts and entertainment gathering in Point State Park will host free outdoor entertainment, includin blues-rock band The Black Keys, each eveniny and during both weekendz of the festival. Many of the 500 artistes will set up booths along recently renovated PointStatee Park’s perimeter.
“It’s a fabulous space and reall y great for peopleto enjoy,” McMahon Gallery exhibits and film screeningzs in the Cultural District also will bring traffic into other parts of Downtown, he said. In spite of croppinh the event from the traditional threse weeks to10 days, McMahon said he anticipates attendance to be levelp with prior years’ 400,000 to 600,000 levels. The decisio to shorten the festival, founded in 1960, was influencef by feedback fromartists — many said the three week commitmentg forced them to miss out on other summer festivalxs — and the economy.
“Candidly, givenb the economy, it’s less expensive to do it for two weekend s ratherthan three,” McMahon said. The Pittsburgbh Cultural Trust also will mark a milestonethis year, celebratin g its 25th anniversary. Hollie vice president of marketing and communications for the PittsburghDowntowbn Partnership, predicted the economy would not dampetr attendance, as the economic development nonprofit has found Downtown traffic to remain steady this “It does bring a lot of people and it’s great because it happens durinf the day, not just weekends,” she said.
“It’s a greayt activity for people who work Downtown to head over theree and enjoy the food vendorsand shop.”