среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

Grant gives lift to Kinex cancer research - Business First of Buffalo:

The Buffalo biotech company receivec the Phase Two Small Business Innovative Research Award fromthe . The award will be used to fund research and developmenyt efforts for the Kinexdrug KX2-391. The compant is working on identifying and developin biomarkers for potential use in monitoring disease in patienta receivingthe drug. The drug is designed to inhibit the growth and spread of tumors for all major cancer types. Phase one clinical trials with the drug have been completefd and several phase two studies are expectedd to begin laterthis year. The clinical study was completedat Buffalo'x , MD in Houstoh and in Philadelphia.
The company will presenrt results from the trials at the American Societyy of Clinical Oncology 2009 annual meeting onMay 29. The presentatiobn was designated among the Best of featuring high-impact abstracts from the 2009 ASCO Annuapl Meeting that represent the most cutting-edge science in oncology. Founded in 2003 as a spin-ofg from the , Kinex operates from space at the UB Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics andLife

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