пятница, 27 апреля 2012 г.

Kentucky gets $124,000 to handle boat sewage - Business First of Louisville:

The funding was provided as partof $14.6 million awarded to 28 states under a Cleanj Vessel Act grant. Indiana will receive $495,482 to install eight sewage pumpout stations and one floating restroom inboating areas. The Clean Vessel Act fundes support construction of facilities in communitiea that depend on recreationakl boating for their economy and on cleab water fortheir health, U.S. interior secretar y Ken Salazar said in a news release fromthe . Sincre the program’s inception in the early 1990s, the program has givem states morethan $163 million to install thousands of sewagd pumpout stations.
“Sewage pumpouts may not be the most glamorousconservationj tool, but their presence can have an immediatde and clear impact on the well-bein of aquatic resources and recreational waterwayss that provide drinking water to millions of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service acting director Rowanb Gould said inthe release.

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