пятница, 9 сентября 2011 г.

SAHA to spend $14.5 million on local housing project upgrades - Business First of Buffalo:

million in federal stimulus funds to repair and upgrade a numbee of publichousing properties. Out of 349 housingg authorities in Texas that received moneyt from the American Recovery andReinvestment Act, San Antoniio Housing Authority, or SAHA, received the largesft amount. SAHA is required to use the mone for capital improvements and all the fundzs must be spent withinthree years. “These fundx will allow us to make much-needed repairw to our public housing properties and improve the safety and qualityh of life forour residents,” SAHA President and CEO Lourdes Castrpo Ramirez says.
Among the properties slatede for major upgrades is the LewisChatham Apartments, a 119-unit apartment complex for seniors on the city’s Soutgh Side. Lewis Chatham also will undergo anextensivwe modernization. In addition, stimulusz funds will be used to upgrade the elevators and fire safety at nearly 20 elderly Other projects will involvereplacing fencing, windows, roofing, cabinets, and ventilation and air conditioning SAHA Board Chairman Ramiro Cavazos says the agency will encourage the participation of small and minority-owned businesses.
“We will also give additional weightr to contractors that commit to actively recruiting employeesd from the neighborhoods in and aroundc where this workwill occur,” he SAHA will issue requests for proposals to perforn engineering and architectural services related to stimulus-approvexd projects. Web site: www.saha.org

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