пятница, 30 сентября 2011 г.

Analyst urges selloff of NY Times debt - Dayton Business Journal:

GimmeCredit analyst David Novosel also saidthe company’ s postponed deadline for bids on the may reflecgt “a paucity of interest in the The New York Times Co. NYT) extended the deadline for bid submissions until late rthis month. Novosel said if the New York Times Co.’s decline in operating earnings is not leverage could push even highernext year. In the near he said the publisher has ample liquidity tohandl $45 million in notes that maturs in November. And there’s no debt coming due in 2010. the company still has aboutr $1.1 billion of tota l debt coming due inlater years, includinfg $250 million in notes maturinfg in March 2015.
Yields on that issue have soaresd toabout 12.5 percent, and the debt trades for 70.10 cents on the dollar, accordingb to Bloomberg data. In addition, the newspaper company has an under-fundecd pension obligation of atleast $300 million, and could be much the analyst said. “Declininvg revenue and margins, weak cash flow, and escalating leveragd lead us to a sell recommendatio n on the 2015 issue at a pricdof 70,” Novosel wrote in a research note.

среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.

Burlington lifts boiled water order - Boston Globe



Burlington lifts boiled water order

Boston Globe

The town of Burlington tonight ended the boil water order imposed earlier this week when the E. coli bacteria was discovered in the water supply. "After satisfactory completion of testing of two consecutive rounds of samples taken throughout the Town, ...

Boil-Water Order Lifted


Update from the Town of Canton on Boil Water Order


Boil water advisory continues in Burlington, Mass.


WHDH-TV -My Fox Boston -The Patriot Ledger


понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.

Corker: Chrysler, GM should reimburse auto dealers - Memphis Business Journal:

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Chattanooga, introducecd the Auto Dealers Assistance Amendment yesterda y in the Senate Banking The amendment would also give dealershipd 180 days to wind downtheir operations. “We continuw to receive assurances from Chrysler and GM that their dealers acrossa Tennessee and across our country will betreated fairly,” Corker said in a statement. “We filedr this amendment to apply pressure on the automakers to keep theirf word to rejected dealerships and fullg reimburse them for their inventories of vehiclesand parts.
“We hope Chrysler and GM will take these appropriatde actions and make this amendment Chrysler and GM told Congress earlier this year that they need to reducw their dealer networks tocut costs. However, Corker’ s statement said dealerships have beengivenj “inconsistent treatment.” Some Chrysler dealerships, the statemenf said, have been forced to shut down in less than 30 days and are responsibl e for selling their inventories.
GM Corker said, have been given longere contract terms, but face similar challengeds in reimbursement for parts and The amendment would force the automakers to use any Treasuruy funds while in bankruptcy to reimburs e their dealers for all parts and inventory on the date of thebankruptch filing. Also, the proposal would not alloqw Chrysler or GM toget debtor-in-possession funding unlesa such agreements provide for the reimbursementr of the dealers.

суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

Montana's transfer of F-15s to California delayed - San Jose Mercury News


Montana's transfer of F-15s to California delayed

San Jose Mercury News

The transfer of the Montana Air National Guard F-15s to the California Air National Guard has been delayed. The National Guard Bureau announced Friday the move will begin next August and should be completed by March 2013. Montana Air National Guard Maj ...

Transfer of MANG F-15's Delayed

KFBB NewsChannel 5

Guard to keep F-15s at MANG eight more months

Great F »

четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

Sales of previously owned homes jump in August - Los Angeles Times


Los Angeles Times

Sales of previously owned homes jump in August

Los Angeles Times

Sales of previously owned homes were up 20.6% over August 2010 in the West, 16.9% in the South, 26.7% in the Midwest and 10% in the Northeast. Above, a home for sale near Gladstone, Ore. (Rick Bowmer, Associated Press / September 22, 2011) By Alejandro ...

Previously owned home sales up

NWAOnline (subscription)

Existing-home sales rise, beating forecast

Boston Globe

Sales of U.S. Existing Homes Increased More Than Forecast

San Francisco Chronicle

Financial Times -msnbc.com (blog)


вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

GreenShift Files Motion to Amend Complaints - MarketWatch (press release)


GreenShift Files Motion to Amend Complaints

MarketWatch (press release)

GreenShift has sought leave from the court to amend its complaints to include GreenShift's newly-issued US Patent No. 8008516 (the "'516 Patent"), a continuation of the '858 Patent. The '858 Patent and '516 Patent broadly cover processes for ...

and more »

воскресенье, 18 сентября 2011 г.

Gladstone scientist's Japan lab reprograms human adult stem cells - San Francisco Business Times:

The discovery, reported in the journao Cell, could be used "verh soon" to help pharmaceutical companies screen Yamanaka told the San FranciscoBusinesw Times. Yet he said more testing is neededf before reprogrammed cells are transplanted into humans in hopesw of treating or curing problems rangingfrom Parkinson's Diseasw to diabetes to spinal cord Even proponents of stem cell therapies have believeed it could take a decade or more to develo and commercialize such treatments and cures, but Yamanaka's researchu could accelerate that timetable.
The lab at Gladstone' Mission Bay campus -- where Yamanaka was lureed this summer to be a senior investigator as well as a professor atthe -- will play an importanr role going forward because of California's state support of embryoniv stem cell research, Yamanaka told the Business Times. Reprogramme d stem cell and embryonic stem cellss now must be compared in thesame lab, Yamanaka and the best placee to do that is wherw embryonic stem cell work can occur California voters in 2004 passed Prop.
71, supportingh the sale of $3 billionb in state bonds to finance stemcell research, mainly embryonic stem cell work that had been slowec by federal restrictions imposed in 2001 by President Georg e W. Bush. The largest pot of embryonidc stem cell cash in the worlde has lured several scientiststo California, especially to the Bay "In Japan, it's stilkl very difficult to use humam embryonic stem cells," he said. The discoveryh is the second major findingby Yamanaka's lab in Kyoti in less than less two years. Last year, the 20-membetr lab reported to have reprogrammed mouse skin cell into pluripotentstem cells.
Yamanaka's team identifierd four genetic factors that resultedx in the reprogramming of the adult mouse cellsz into inducedpluripotent stem, or iPS, cells capable of developingf into any kind of The findings were confirmed earlier this year by threwe teams of researchers, but many observers highlightes the difficulty researchers have in translating mousr discoveries for humans. But the latesy breakthrough by Yamanaka's lab could allow stem cell researchers to bypasx embryonic stemcells -- with theirt lab and political issues -- becausde both are pluripotent, or able to become any type of Oft-used cells adult stem cellz are multipotent.
Without being as Yamanaka's lab has they are unable to be used inthe brain, for if they developed as pancreatic cells. More Yamanaka's reprogrammed cells could help pharmaceutica l companies study the toxicology of potential new drugs beforwhuman trials. "That should be coming very Yamanaka told theBusiness Times. "Wes can do that right away." As far as transplantin g cellsin humans, there remain thorny Yamanaka said. For one, his work used a retroviruz -- which can copy its RNA genome into the DNA of ahost cell'sx chromosomes -- and it is not yet knownb if the retrovirus could be activaterd after transplantation.
"We are still a long way from findinh cures or therapies from stem celld andwe don't know what processes will be Yamanaka said in a press release. Researchers eventually may find a way to make iPS cell from small molecules insteadof retroviruses, Yamanaka "It is certain that intensde competition among many laboratories speed up everything," he said in a serie s of prepared question-and-answer sheet distributed by the Gladstone The facial skin cells that Yamanaka's lab used were boughft from of San Diego. Leaders of the Gladstones Institute of Cardiovascular Disease were thrille d this summer when they were able to lure Yamanakza with a new fellowship endowed bythe .
Yamanakqa was a postdoctoral fellow then a staff researcuh investigator for the cardiovascular institute from 1993to 1996. The Gladstone Institutes are affiliated with the Universittyof California, San Francisco. Yamanaka now spends only a quartert of his time in the SanFrancisco lab, becaus e his wife is a doctor in his two daughters are in high school there, and some of his researchn is funded by grants from the Japanese But Deepak Srivastava, director of the cardiovascula institute, has said that Yamanaka eventuallyg will move his entire lab to Missiom Bay. "Dr.
Yamanaka's work is monumental in its importancre to the field of stem cell science and its potentiall impact on our ability to accelerate the benefits of this technologhy tothe bedside," Srivastava said in a presds release. "Not only does this discovery enablrmore research, it offers a new pathway to apply the benefite of stem cells to human

четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

Risky mortgage products return to Birmingham market - Birmingham Business Journal:

In Birmingham and surrounding metro areas, new niche mortgages are beinhrolled out, even as loan standards and underwriting are at thei highest levels in years. Local mortgage lenders said the new loan typee being introduced are part of the markef stabilizing after the shocks of the 2007subprimes meltdown. The products are meeting the needs of consumers stillbuyingt homes, industry leaders say. "The only way banks make mone y is bylending money," said Stefan Norrbin, chaird of the Economic Finance and Quantitative Analysis Departmenrt at .
"Still, some banka are very willing to lend moneg to people theyprobably shouldn't be lending money Donna Curran, 's North Atlanta mortgage manager, said the new loan demaned in 2008 will be driven by "reversed mortgages" and "option adjustable rate mortgages" - the loans at the centetr of the subprime meltdown, with low introductory interest rates but escalating back-end costs. In June, Charlotte-baserd introduced its Pick-a-Payment mortgage product to theBirmingham market, which is an adjustable-rate loan that allows borrowers to choose from different paymenyt options, such as deferring up to 25 percent of the loan' interest.
Borrowers will each month, their statement with four monthly options to choose from: a minimum payment, interest only, 30-year term, or 15-yeafr term. "What we are really doing is allowing customersw to tap into the equity of their home to invest in those things to get a better rate on a saidRod McCall, division loan manager for Wachovia'sw Midsouth north division, which includes Alabamza and Tennessee. McCall said the product is sellinf "tremendously" in Birmingham and dozens of employeeds have recently been trained to sell the mortgage product at its 41 branchees throughoutthe city. "In this market, this is he said.
McCall said there are no strict sets of rulexs tied to the loan application and all applications are approved ona case-by-casse basis. It is available for anyone who is purchasin g or refinancing a he said. However, some mortgage brokers feel the product is not beneficialp forthe "average Joe" who lived on a fixed salary, said Tony Robbins, presidenrt of Birmingham-based "That product is one of the riskiesgt products in the he said. "It's a producrt that should be limited to folk s who have asubstantial income.
It's a greayt product for someone who can prepayreal "It's not a good producrt for the average working persomn - your salary is not going to grow fast enougn to prepay that mortgage." The Pick-a-Payment loan, whicjh is a deferred interest can add interest to the loan'sz outstanding principal, increasing the customer's total he said. Wachovia spokeswoman Evelyn Mitchell said clientws withthe Pick-a-Pay loan have an option to switch the loan from an adjustable rate to a fixer rate for a flat fee between yearsa four and seven of the loan.
In two recent new loans introduced includs a Bankof America-based reverse mortgage and a GMAC Bank mortgagw (through a local broker) that works like a checkin g account. Reverse mortgages allow seniorz to cash in on the equity intheidr homes, but the mortgage must be paid in full at the time of theid death, typically with the sale of the One small, boutique broker, Fronf Row Mortgage, is the Atlanta originatodr for GMAC Bank's new Home Ownership Accelerator "This fits what we see as a need in the said Robert Beal, president of Front Row.

вторник, 13 сентября 2011 г.

Classic cinema chain makes major debut in local market - Houston Business Journal:

, based in Newport Beach, Calif., broked ground last week on its firsf theater project inGreenwayu Plaza, which the company is developin with Dallas-based The 5,800-seat theater, which will also incorporate aboutt 30,000 square feet of restaurant and retail facilities, will be locatedd on a 4.5-acre site that lies west of the The theater, just off of Weslayan near the Southwestg Freeway, will be visible from the highway. The 68-year-ols theater company also plans to break grouns early next month ona 320,000-square-foot entertainment complesx on a prime industriall tract once occupied by the now-defunct Camerohn Iron Works Inc.
PLC also based in Newport Beach, is developing the complecx in conjunction withEdwards Theaters. The partnersz expect to close a deal sometims next week on 40 acres on the north side of Interstat e 10 at Silber The same parcel of land was under contract more than a year agoto Houston-basec Dienna/Simpkins Co. for the proposed development ofa mixed-usedc project. The PLC-Edwards project will includes a 24-screen movie theater, an IMAX and about 200,000 square feet of restaurant and entertainment-basexd retail facilities, says Mike Lutton, president of PLC.
Seven restaurants and a food court as well as variouwretail stores, including a bookstors and an interactive games store, are expecter to sign leases in the "We're bringing a form of entertainment to Houstoh that they haven't seen yet," Lutton He adds that the complex, whichh is slated for completiojn in May of 1999, is being modeled after the Spectrum entertainment complex in Irvine, Jim Edwards, president and CEO of Edwardxs Theaters, says both projects are intended to fill a void in the Houstob market. "These are high-profile, signature and we feel they cover holes in themarketg area," Edwards says.
Neither project has been The Greenway Plaza theater is perhaps the most urba n location of any movie theater built in the city in recent The deal was made possiblse because of a parkinh agreement between the theater developers and Innova Building owner Koch Industries that will allow the theatefr patrons to sharethe 2,200-cat garage currently being built betweej the two sites with Koch "That's why we were able to put an entertainment centetr like this in an urban says Corby Collins, executive vice president of "Once we decided to do a theater here (in Greenway we pretty much had our pick of theater operators.
" Koch is currentluy renovating the former Innova Building at 20 Greenway Plazaz and plans to move in by the end of The parking garage is also scheduled for completion in "Looking at the area, we thought that this was an extremely good location in terms of access and the levell of amenities," Edwards says. The new theatedr should be completed in about12 months, he adds. The Edwardz chain, which opened in now totals more than 600 screensx in nearly100 locations. It's the largesty movie theater chain in California and the 15th largest chain inthe country.
The two Houston theaters will be Edwards' newest outside of The company's only existing megaplex outside of California isin Idaho, though other projects are under way in Virginia and Utah.

воскресенье, 11 сентября 2011 г.

Science Determines the Xbox 360's Scariest Video Game - Kotaku



Science Determines the Xbox 360's Scariest Video Game


Lots of video games claim to be scary. Amnesia, Dead Space, you name it, if it's dark and things jump out of closets at you, it's "scary". Don't let video game developers tell you what's scary. Let science. User experience studio Vertical Slice has ...

New! Study Determines The Scariest Game On Xbox 360 [New Study From Vertical ...

TFTS (blog)

Science Determines The Xbox 360′s Scariest Video Game

Kotaku Australia


пятница, 9 сентября 2011 г.

SAHA to spend $14.5 million on local housing project upgrades - Business First of Buffalo:

million in federal stimulus funds to repair and upgrade a numbee of publichousing properties. Out of 349 housingg authorities in Texas that received moneyt from the American Recovery andReinvestment Act, San Antoniio Housing Authority, or SAHA, received the largesft amount. SAHA is required to use the mone for capital improvements and all the fundzs must be spent withinthree years. “These fundx will allow us to make much-needed repairw to our public housing properties and improve the safety and qualityh of life forour residents,” SAHA President and CEO Lourdes Castrpo Ramirez says.
Among the properties slatede for major upgrades is the LewisChatham Apartments, a 119-unit apartment complex for seniors on the city’s Soutgh Side. Lewis Chatham also will undergo anextensivwe modernization. In addition, stimulusz funds will be used to upgrade the elevators and fire safety at nearly 20 elderly Other projects will involvereplacing fencing, windows, roofing, cabinets, and ventilation and air conditioning SAHA Board Chairman Ramiro Cavazos says the agency will encourage the participation of small and minority-owned businesses.
“We will also give additional weightr to contractors that commit to actively recruiting employeesd from the neighborhoods in and aroundc where this workwill occur,” he SAHA will issue requests for proposals to perforn engineering and architectural services related to stimulus-approvexd projects. Web site: www.saha.org

среда, 7 сентября 2011 г.

How to save significant amounts by knowing your credit card company benefits - New York Daily News


New York Daily News

How to save significant amounts by knowing your credit card company benefits

New York Daily News

After the roller-coaster weeks we've had lately regarding the economy, it's time for some good news: Your credit card companies are offering benefits that are worth significant money. And chances are, many of you don't even know it. ...

and more »

понедельник, 5 сентября 2011 г.

The Yankees (Fortune Classics, 1946) - Fortune (blog)


The Yankees (Fortune Classics, 1946)

Fortune (blog)

Wall Street might react the same way to the news that Henry Kaiser had been named senior partner of JP Morgan & Co (JPM).; Fifth Avenue to the intelligence that the manager of S. Klein, of Union Square, was coming uptown to boss Bergdorf -Goodman. ...

пятница, 2 сентября 2011 г.

Dem Accused of Sending "Spies" into Rival HQ - NBC New York



Dem Accused of Sending "Spies" into Rival HQ

NBC New York

Democratic congressional candidate David Weprin isn't denying accusations that his campaign volunteers tried to spy on his rival's headquarters to send back intel. In an interview with NBC New York, Weprin tried to change the subject, ...

Dem Accused of Sending Spy ! 'Volunteers'


'Spy' furor for Weprin

New York Post

'Spy' Flap in Weiner Race

Fox News

