воскресенье, 7 августа 2011 г.

D.C. narrows list of developers for Stevens Elementary School - Houston Business Journal:

Neil Albert, the formedr deputy mayor for planning and economic development and new city announced Monday that his staffc had eliminated six of the nineoriginalp bidders. A team made up of Chicago-bassefd and the , based in D.C. Moddie Turay Company LLC, based in D.C. and founded by former Mayor Anthong Williams' special assistant Moddie Turray. Opus East was originally listexd as a Turray partner by thedeputy mayor's officse but is not included in its list of A partnership led by Peeblea Development LLC, a likely outgrowth of the Peeblez Corp., a Coral Gables, Fla.-based firm led by D.C. nativew R. Donahue Peebles.
Peebles is teamed with the Walker According to a press releasefrom Albert, the proposals offer "various combinations of new housing, officwe space, hotels and neighborhood-serving retail." Among those eliminateed are teams led by Akridge, Cafrita Interests and the Capitol Hill Business Improvement District, whicn proposed using the site to traij and house homeless adults. The finalistsd will present their plans at a communitt meetingJune 11, the day aftef a planned community meeting for finall developers interested in Hine Jr. High Schook to present.
Albert, who begab as city administratorthis week, announced in Apriol the city had received bids for all 11 vacang schools the city has put on the

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